Campus Life

Libraries offers extended hours, Destress Fest to support studying students

During the last week of fall classes and finals week, Pattee Library and Paterno Library will offer 24-hour operation on all floors to give students additional access to quiet study and group study space, as well as Libraries services and resources. Credit: Jill Shockey / University Libraries. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — During finals week, Penn State University Libraries is offering stress-reducing games and activities to help students relax as they study for finals and complete end-of-semester papers and projects. In addition, extended hours at most Libraries locations University-wide are in effect through Thursday, Dec. 19, with Pattee Library and Paterno Library offering continuous 24-hour access. 

End-of-semester hours at all Libraries locations University-wide are available at

Destress Fest takes place in all five University Park Libraries locations across the University Park campus, offering free coffee and snacks, as well as games, activities, art therapy and other stress management options, which vary with location. Students can stop in the Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday-Tuesday, Dec. 15-17, for free coffee and snacks, games and art therapy. 

Additional puzzles and games will be available in the first floor lobbies of Pattee Library and Paterno Library to help students stay refreshed during the busy week. Branch library locations at University Park will offer snacks, coffee hours and various activities to students while they study, as well as extended hours of operation at all locations. 

The full schedule for Destress Fest activities at all University Park Libraries locations is listed below: 

Tuesday, Dec. 10-Thursday, Dec. 12, Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library, first floor, Stuckeman Family Building 

  • Puzzles available daily 
  • Snacks and drinks available in the evenings
  • Extended hours: Friday, Dec. 13-Tuesday, Dec. 17 

Sunday, Dec. 15-Tuesday, Dec. 17, Pattee Library and Paterno Library, Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library

  • 3-8 p.m.: Free coffee, snacks, games and art therapy

Friday, Dec. 13-Friday, Dec. 20, Engineering Library,  325 Hammond Building 

  • Coloring, puzzles and origami all day
  • Sunday, Dec. 15, 6-7 p.m.: Snacks and drinks, bring your own cup (BYOC) 
  • Monday, Dec. 16-Wednesday, Dec. 18, 10-11 a.m.: Snacks and drinks, BYOC 
  • Extended hours begin Sunday, Dec. 1 

Monday, Dec. 16-Thursday, Dec. 19, Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library, second floor, Davey Lab 

  • All day: Snack and drinks, while they last 
  • All day: Puzzles and other activities 

Sunday, Dec. 15-Thursday, Dec. 19, Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Building 

  • Daily: Fresh apples and snacks available, while they last
  • All day: Puzzles and other activities available 
  • Group collaboration rooms, One Button studio, Virtual Reality Center, comfy seating and lots of table space to suit your study needs
  • Extended hours: Sunday, Dec. 8-Wednesday, Dec. 18

For more information about Destress Fest or for questions about accommodations for this event, contact Megan Gilpin at 814-867-0069 or

Last Updated December 9, 2019