Campus Life

Mom was right: Getting involved at college changes your life

Stacy Wanerman's experience at Abington is enriched through connections with other students

The Lares Entertainment and Programming Board (LEAP) recruits new members throughout the year. Credit: Pam Brobst / Penn State. Creative Commons

Stacy Wanerman’s mom told her to get involved in college life. Wanerman did what mom asked, and she joined -– and is now president of -- the Student Government Association (SGA) at Penn State Abington. The junior business major’s post on the Abington Lions Tales student blog explores how connecting with others outside of the classroom changed her life

When I came to Penn State Abington in 2011, I didn’t understand the importance of getting involved. My mom told me that I needed to go to the Involvement Fair to find a club that I would enjoy. I found the Student Government Association, and since then my college experience has been changed in the best way.

Through the SGA, I found friends that will last a lifetime, opportunities to evolve as a leader, and a new-found enjoyment for involvement in school. It brought me closer to people with similar interests that I might have never met through my regular classes. When I came to Abington, I already had some experience in leadership. However, I never expected being more involved would mold me into a better person as well as a better, well-rounded leader.

As Wanerman knows, there are about 50 clubs and organizations at Abington. From first year through senior year, the Office of Student Life helps students connect outside of the classroom setting. Depending on the students’ comfort level, they can discover much of what Abington offers through:

• The Involvement Fair, staged for two days in the fall and spring semesters. Students meet club members and learn more about their activities.• Get Connected Life@Abington, which centralizes involvement opportunities and helps organize commitments.• Or talk directly to the Student Life staff. Get their contact information at      

To read more about Wanerman’s college adventures, go to or

Keep up on the lives of Abington students at  the Lions Tales blog:

Last Updated February 3, 2014
