UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State will observe National Hazing Prevention Week from Sept. 18 to 22, hosting educational activities and events to raise awareness around the issue of hazing on college campuses across the country.
“Penn State has a no-tolerance policy on hazing and we are committed to educating and empowering students with the skills and tools they need to recognize, report and prevent hazing,” said Penn State President Eric Barron. “National Hazing Prevention Week’s focus aligns with the University’s year-round efforts and educational programming to foster a safe and healthy campus environment.”
Established in 2007 by HazingPrevention.Org, National Hazing Prevention Week is an initiative focused on educating university communities and encouraging students across the country to take a stand against hazing.
At Penn State, the weeklong spotlight on awareness and prevention is sponsored by Penn State Student Affairs and will feature events for students, faculty and staff, including an information table with hazing prevention resources and activities from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 19 on the first floor of the HUB-Robeson Center on the University Park campus.
In addition, other student organizations, like the Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council, will host activities and speaker events for their members. The Panhellenic Council also has organized a hazing prevention activity from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 21 at the HUB.
Beyond the scheduled events, the University offers a range of educational and support resources throughout the year on hazing prevention, bystander intervention, alcohol misuse, medical amnesty, sexual assault prevention and other related topics, including:
- Stand for State: A bystander intervention program, which offers programming on sexual and relationship violence, mental health, bias and risky drinking and drug use.
- Penn State SAFE: A required, online alcohol education program for first-year students on the effects of alcohol, laws and policies, and medical amnesty.
- Penn State AWARE: A required sexual assault awareness module on relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment for first-year students.
- Greeks CARE: Programming for fraternity and sororities members on preventing sexual violence and supporting survivors.
- Educational initiatives for the Greek community: Required programming for members of the Greek community on such topics as hazing, alcohol, sexual assault and diversity, as part of the chapter accreditation process each academic year.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): CAPS provides counseling and psychiatric services to Penn State students, as well as prevention and outreach services to the University community.
Penn State also supports and urges passage of the Report and Educate About Campus Hazing (REACH) Act, which if passed into law, would require universities across the country to report hazing under the Clery Act and provide educational programming on the dangers of hazing. The bill was introduced in June by sponsors Patrick Meehan, U.S. congressman from Pennsylvania's 7th District, and Marcia Fudge, U.S. congresswoman from Ohio's 11th District.
In addition to educational programs and support offerings, Penn State provides anonymous resources for reporting hazing, which is a violation of Penn State’s code of conduct and Pennsylvania law.
To report instances of hazing by an individual or within a student organization or group, including fraternities and sororities, contact the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Office of Student Conduct, or the Penn State Hotline at 1-800-560-1637 or via an anonymous online form. In an emergency, call 911 or contact Penn State Police at 863-1111.
For more information about Hazing Prevention Week, visit HazingPrevention.Org.