Campus Life

New student club focuses on computer science

The PSU-LV Geek Squad recently attended Hack PSU

Penn State Lehigh Valley's Geek Squad attended Hack PSU on April 8 at University Park. The five Geek Squad members who attended included, (from left to right) Brian Grady, Collin Emery, Jonathan Moore, Andrew Loughran and Jacqueline Tran. Credit: Major League Hacking. All Rights Reserved.

The Penn State Lehigh Valley Geek Squad is a new club to come to campus. Jacqueline Tran, a sophomore computer science major, founded the club in hopes to find a group that fits her interests. The Geek Squad club focuses on computers and programming. It is open to people of all levels of experience.

“The Geek Squad is a place for everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. I have a detailed plan, based on student-led meetings and events, to continue and expand this club,” said Tran.

Tran would like to start hosting events planned by the Geek Squad this fall semester. Some of these events include a chess tournament and participation in the global movement, The Hour of Code. The Hour of Code allows experienced adults and/or groups the opportunity to teach elementary school students their first hour of computer science and coding.

The club currently has 10 active members and is looking forward to growing even more next year.

The Penn State Lehigh Valley Geek Squad recently attended the University Park event, Hack PSU. Hack PSU is for students of all experience levels. It lets them spend 24 hours creating any kind of technology they want. The Penn State Lehigh Valley group spent their time creating a code generator that makes programming easier for students.

"I think this is a great example of a student taking initiative to make something happen and to engage her peers," said Pam Fleck, assistant director of student affairs at Penn State Lehigh Valley. “If it wasn’t for Jackie none of these students would have known about Hack PSU or been able to attend and experience it.”

If interested in learning more about the Penn State Lehigh Valley Geek Squad, contact Tran at

Last Updated April 18, 2017