Campus Life

Office of Physical Plant issues annual University Park water-quality report

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State’s Office of Physical Plant issued its annual drinking water quality report June 6, which found that the University’s water system successfully met every federal and state regulatory requirement in 2018. The Office of Physical Plant routinely monitors the University’s drinking water, and the full report can be viewed at

Penn State operates its own potable water system and wastewater treatment facilities, with more than 800 million gallons of potable water supplied annually to the University Park community. Penn State’s water is treated and tested at multiple locations in the interest of community safety.

To maintain tap water safety, both the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection prescribe regulations to limit the amount of contaminants in water provided by public systems.

Those with questions about the annual report can contact Jim Hosgood, OPP water services supervisor, at 814-863-6187.

Last Updated June 18, 2021