Campus Life

Penn State COVID-19 dashboard updated with testing data through March 11

University Park students encouraged to take advantage of expanded walk-up testing

University Park students are encouraged to take advantage of the walk-up COVID-19 testing being offered on campus if they are concerned that they may have been exposed to the virus. Student walk-up testing is available at the Pegula Ice Arena from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Credit: Patrick Mansell / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State’s COVID-19 dashboard has been updated to show the results of University-provided coronavirus testing at all campus locations through March 11. Over the last seven days at University Park, 4,946 total tests have been administered, resulting in 52 positive cases, for a total seven-day positivity rate of 1.1%. This includes 46 student positive results from 4,264 student tests performed (1.1% positivity rate) and six employee positives from 682 employee tests (0.9% positivity rate).

Testing at all other Penn State campuses over the last seven days has resulted in 12 total positive results (11 students and one employee) out of 969 total tests administered (767 student tests and 202 employee tests).

To help mitigate the virus’s spread, students are urged to avoid large social gatherings and limit in-person interactions outside of their roommates or a small “pod” of friends. Students, employees and visitors also are reminded that face masks must continue to be worn in campus buildings at all times, outdoors when physical distancing from others is not possible, and wherever required by law. Full information about health guidelines can be found here.

On March 1 the University resumed its required random testing program, which tests between 1% and 2% of the on-campus population of students and employees each day. At University Park, random testing is conducted at the Mount Nittany Club in Beaver Stadium and at 101 N. Atherton St., the former FedEx Office (Kinko’s) building at the corner of North Atherton Street and West College Avenue. Random testing is being conducted at the Commonwealth Campuses through mail-in test kits or Vault Health tests distributed on campus. A complete list of Commonwealth Campus test distribution locations is available here.

Penn State also has walk-up/on-demand and symptomatic testing options to quickly identify potential positive cases. University Park students who are concerned about virus exposure are strongly encouraged to use walk-up testing, which is available at the Hintz Family Alumni Center and Pegula Ice Arena from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. At the Commonwealth Campuses, testing processes are defined for each campus and typically administered by the local health center or other designated area. Specific details and hours can be obtained through the campus Student Affairs office.

When a student does test positive, the University is conducting contact tracing and utilizing quarantine and isolation housing to help limit spread of the virus. At University Park, there are currently 75 students in on-campus quarantine and isolation housing, representing 19% of the total 400-room quarantine and isolation capacity at Eastview Terrace. There are currently 31 students in quarantine and isolation housing at all other Penn State campuses.

For detailed updates and information about the University’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, visit Penn State’s official virus information website

Last Updated March 12, 2021