Campus Life

Penn State faculty and staff eligible to use University pharmacy

Credit: Grace Southern. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK Pa. – All current Penn State employees at all campus locations and their immediate family members are eligible to use University Health Services (UHS) Pharmacy. Revenue generated by the pharmacy goes directly to Student Affairs programs and services.

The Penn State UHS Pharmacy at University Park offers prescriptions and over-the-counter items by mail (home or campus) and curbside pickup Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The UHS Pharmacy is making patients’ access to medication a priority due to concerns regarding COVID-19 and will not allow walk-ins until further notice to continue to protect the Penn State community.  

Penn State faculty and staff who would like to start filling prescriptions with the pharmacy should complete the Pharmacy Employee/Retiree Enrollment Form or call a customer service representative at 800-821-7285.

This form must be submitted along with or prior to the first prescription order. The form can be dropped off at the pharmacy during regular business hours or mailed to:

UHS Pharmacy, 202 Student Health Center, University Park, PA 16802

More information on first-time pharmacy customers and the Pharmacy Employee Enrollment Form can be found on the UHS Pharmacy Employee webpage.

Current UHS Pharmacy customers are encouraged to utilize curbside pickup or mailing options. To use curbside pickup, patients will wait at the designated pharmacy spots in the Eisenhower Parking Deck and call the dedicated phone number posted. A customer service representative will then deliver the prescription to the vehicle. All prescription costs and copays will be placed on accounts and the patient will receive bills in the mail to avoid the exchange of money or credit cards.

Penn State faculty and staff who receive prescriptions via campus mail, and may be working remotely at home, should call the pharmacy at 814-865-9321 to change their mailing address temporarily to their home address. The pharmacy can only mail to Pennsylvania and Florida residents. Please note that Schedule II narcotics cannot be mailed. Home delivery has a $3 shipping and handling fee per month, not per mail package.

For questions or more information, call the UHS Pharmacy at 814-865-9321, or visit the UHS Pharmacy webpage.

Last Updated September 22, 2020