Campus Life

Penn State, Pa. Department of Health report three possible cases of mumps

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Penn State, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH), is reporting three possible cases of the mumps on the University Park campus. University Health Services advises all students, faculty and staff to check with their healthcare providers to confirm receipt of two doses of MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine after their first birthday. The DOH is currently investigating. All students are advised to request a copy of their immunization record from their private healthcare provider to be faxed to University Health Services at 814-865-6982.

The three potential cases identified are in individuals who do not reside in the residence halls. However, all students are recommended to follow the guidance suggested in this alert and also by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Mumps is a highly infectious disease passed through saliva and respiratory secretions. Sharing food or drink, or touching a surface contaminated with the virus then touching your eyes, nose or mouth, or having other direct contact with respiratory secretions, are ways that mumps may be transmitted. All students are asked to attest to their vaccination for MMR before they arrive on campus for their freshman year. Symptoms of mumps often include tender swollen glands below the ear or along the jawline, headache, fever and cold-like symptoms. The swelling can occur either on one side only or on both sides of the face and neck. People with mumps are infectious from two days before swelling begins through five days after the start of swelling. Typically two doses of the mumps vaccine provide adequate immunity to the infection. Anyone who has not received two doses of the vaccine, often referred to as MMR, should contact their healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Students may contact University Health Services to schedule an appointment for the MMR vaccine.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health and the CDC recommend that anyone who has only received a single dose of the MMR vaccine, receive a second dose as soon as possible. Anyone who does not have proof of vaccination may be excluded from campus until 21 days after the last possible date of infection. Once vaccinated, they may return to campus.

University Health Services recommends that all students take precautions and avoid sharing food, drinks, engaging in drinking games, or other activities that may result in salivary exposure. In addition, frequent hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette are also helpful in preventing the spread of this and many other diseases. For additional information, please review these CDC resources: or

Last Updated November 1, 2015
