Campus Life

Penn State Student Farm to host fall harvest festival Sept. 7

The Penn State and State College community is invited to enjoy an evening on the recently-established Student Farm at Penn State for a free and family-friendly fall harvest festival on Wednesday, Sept. 7th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Student Farm at Penn State will hold a free fall harvest festival from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 7. All members of the local community are invited to attend.

Bus​es to the farm will be available from the Agricultural Administration Building departing for the farm at 5:15 p.m. and returning at 7:30 p.m.

“We wanted to host this event to celebrate all of the work that has gone into making the Student Farm a reality," said Nick Michalisin, co-director of the Student Farm Club. "We are nearing the end of our first growing season, and we have so many dedicated students, faculty members and administrators to thank for helping us get to this point.”

The family-friendly event will consist of live music, farm tours, hands-on activities, demonstrations, and farm-fresh food samples. Local musician Eric Ian Farmer will perform live at the farm beginning at 6:30 p.m. Two chefs from Penn State Campus Dining will also host a cooking demonstration at the farm.

Guests are invited to bring their own lawn chairs or picnic blankets and are encouraged to wear sturdy shoes.

“We’ve involved a whole village to envision and establish a Student Farm on campus over the past few years," said Leslie Pillen, sustainable Student Farm design coordinator. "The harvest festival will be a big thank you to everyone who has contributed, and the event also embodies our mission to educate about the food system, foster community, and increase access to local foods.”

More information about the event and the Student Farm at Penn State can be found at or by contacting Alyssa Gurklis at or 412-715-3036.

Established in the spring of 2016, the Student Farm at Penn State is a diversified vegetable farm located at the intersection of Fox Hollow and Big Hollow roads.

Last Updated September 20, 2019