UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is alerting area motorists that roadwork on its Atherton Street (Route 3014) project in State College is expected to begin during the week of July 25. The work zone stretches from Curtin Road to just north of Westerly Parkway. Motorists are urged to plan ahead, as the work is likely to impact travel to and from Penn State's University Park campus. This is a three-year project, scheduled for completion in fall of 2024.
Motorists in the State College area can expect the following:
- On Tuesday and Wednesday, July 26 and 27, crews will work to partially remove concrete islands and then pave. Work will be at the corner of Atherton Street and College Avenue and at the corner of Buckout Street and College Avenue. A daylight traffic control pattern will be used with one lane closed on College Avenue and one lane closed on Atherton. Traffic signals will be in flash mode, with flaggers controlling flow of traffic at the intersections.
- On Wednesday and Thursday, July 27 and 28, crews will be saw-cutting on Atherton Street between College Avenue and Beaver Avenue. Traffic signals will be in flash mode, with flaggers controlling the flow of traffic at the intersections.
- Monday through Friday, July 25-29, crews will be placing long-term signage and message boards throughout the downtown and surrounding areas in preparation of sewer line relocation work currently scheduled to begin on Monday, Aug. 1.
Overall work will include roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements (including pipes and inlets), water and sewer lines, concrete curbing, sidewalks, detectable warning surfaces, pavement markings, traffic signals and supports, and miscellaneous items.
PennDOT's project page for the Atherton Street work can be found here. PennDOT will post regular updates to the project page week to week, as project work is scheduled. Detour information also will be posted to the page as needed. PennDOT anticipates that some detours will be in use during the early part of August.
PennDOT is reminding motorists that traffic may be stopped intermittently for short periods of time during work activities. Drivers also are urged to use caution when traveling through the work zone and do not follow construction equipment into a closed lane. When two lanes are available prior to the work zone, drivers should use both lanes to the merge point to minimize traffic back-ups and shorten travel delays. All work is weather and schedule dependent.
Motorists can check conditions on major roadways in Pennsylvania by visiting