Campus Life

Photo contest: Proud to be a Penn Stater

The current Penn State Today photo contest is seeking submissions of images that portray pride in being a Penn Stater. The submission deadline is 5 p.m. on Dec. 4. Credit: Patrick Mansell / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Today is holding a photo contest for images that portray pride in being a Penn Stater. The contest is open to students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and local community members from all Penn State locations. Our team will announce the winning photo, and the top images will be featured in Penn State Today, on Penn State News and on other University-wide platforms.

Send us your best photograph that reflects Penn State pride. These could be photos of:

  • Members of the University community showcasing their love for Penn State through what they're wearing or doing;
  • Penn State decor you've displayed in your residence, workplace or community;
  • Members of the University community proudly highlighting their accomplishments that have been made possible thanks to Penn State;
  • Anything that beautifully or uniquely captures what it means to be a proud Penn Stater.

Photographers of all skill levels are encouraged to participate. No need for a fancy camera — the cell phone in your pocket will do the job!

Submission deadline: 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 4.

Please be sure to read our full contest guidelines prior to submitting your photo. Photos that do not meet these guidelines will not be considered. By submitting an image, you attest to your ownership of the image and your subjects' consent to be entered into the contest. You also agree that Penn State has the right and license to redistribute the image, royalty free, on its various communications platforms, including but not limited to Penn State Today, Penn State News and official social media platforms.

Current students, faculty and staff with an active Penn State email address should submit their photos using this form

Alumni, friends and members of the community who do not have an active Penn State email address should submit their photos as attachments by emailing, with "Penn State Today photo contest submission" in the subject line.

Last Updated November 13, 2023