Campus Life

Photojournalist, Penn State Reads author Lynsey Addario to visit University Park

Addario will provide insights into her memoir, “It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War,” on Oct. 16 on the University Park campus. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Lynsey Addario, who wrote the Penn State Reads 2017-18 common book selection, is slated to visit University Park on Oct. 16-17.

Addario will provide insights into her memoir, “It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War,” addressing themes of identity, freedom and humanity that shaped her work in global conflict zones.

The signature Penn State Reads event and book signing will be held at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16 in Schwab Auditorium. Free tickets will be available to students first and then offered to the public at a later date.

Barry Bram, the Penn State Reads committee co-chair, said he is thrilled that Addario is coming to University Park.

“Two of our program's goals are to encourage intellectual engagement and stimulate critical thinking,” said Bram, who is also the senior director of Student Engagement Programs. “Addario's visit helps us to meet those goals by putting her in direct contact with students and providing opportunities to discuss the many themes within the book and hear her thoughts on a wide array of issues.”  

Before the start of the fall semester, first-year students are tasked with reading “It’s What I Do” in order to gain a shared academic experience. Faculty and staff often incorporate the common text into their curriculum, which paves the way for dialogue on the University’s mission and core values.

This year, the Penn State Reads program is also hosting a photo contest. Students are encouraged to submit an original photograph, as well as an accompanying essay, by Sept. 6 that spotlights an important message or emotion from their community.

Additional ticket information for Addario’s Oct. 16 event will be announced in the coming weeks. The talk will be livestreamed for all individuals with Penn State login credentials. The link to the livestream will be available at at a later date.

Penn State Reads is part of Penn State Student Affairs and Penn State Undergraduate Education

Last Updated August 28, 2017