Campus Life

Roadwork, construction among OPP’s summer to-do list at University Park

A construction sign on Penn State's University Park campus Credit: Patrick Mansell / Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — While many students at University Park head home for the summer, Penn State’s Office of Physical Plant will soon begin another season full of construction and renovation projects.

The Office of Physical Plant, Penn State Parking Office, and project contractors will work to minimize disruptions to the campus community wherever possible. However, the public should expect a number of temporary route changes and interruptions through the summer months. An interactive construction map identifying campus construction projects is available on the OPP website.

One project already impacting traffic patterns is underway on University Drive Extension. The three-phase project began April 10 and is expected to be completed by July 28, weather permitting.

To assist with rush-hour traffic congestion during this project, Big Hollow Road is open to northbound traffic from Tower Road to Fox Hollow Road. The section of road is only open from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and is restricted to one-way northbound traffic only.

OPP will provide periodic updates on summer projects during the next few months.


A number of projects will impact roadways and parking areas this summer, including:

  • The intersection at University Drive and Curtin Road will be closed May 8 to 25 for utility work involving the extension of chilled water piping to the Bryce Jordan Center. Details regarding parking lot access for Shields Building and the IM Building, as well as CATABUS stop closures and detours, are available from the Parking Office. The intersection will close again from June 5 to 16. Access to the Bryce Jordan Center Ticket Office will be maintained from the east.
  • Pollock Road will be closed May 8 through July 28 for a three-phase rehabilitation project that will include brick replacement and removal, milling and overlay. The road will reopen temporarily during the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts.
  • Hastings Road between Bigler Road and University Drive will close for reconstruction in two sections to maintain access to the Lasch Building. The project will take place between May 30 and July 28.
  • Allen Road is scheduled to be widened to create a center turn lane into the Hort Woods Childcare Center between May 8 and July 11. Traffic will be maintained during construction using flaggers.
  • Work on the redesign and rebuild of the Park Avenue entrance to the Stadium West parking area begins May 8. Reconstruction includes a permanent removal of the gravel lot, a redesign of the spaced lot closest to Park Avenue, the addition of sidewalks, and a change in traffic flow along Stadium West Drive. Temporary access into Stadium West parking will be provided from Curtin Road.

Renovations and new construction

  • Phases 1a and 1b of the East Halls renovation continue. The first of two new residence halls in the complex is expected to open for fall occupancy. The renovation of Stuart Hall will continue, and the renovation of McKean and Pennypacker halls will begin, with expected completions in 2018.
  • Esber Recital Hall will be renovated into a large ensemble rehearsal space with a 400-seat recital hall added to the east side of the building. The project is expected to begin in June with a summer 2018 completion.
  • Phase III of the IM Building renovation continues this summer with an expected completion of August 2017. New features include a bouldering wall, turf field, squash courts, offices and storage space.
  • Construction continues on the new Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering Building. It is the largest single building in the current capital plan. Construction will continue through December 2018.
  • Renovation work to the Agricultural Engineering Building is ongoing through the summer. The project involves replacing aging infrastructure, improving accessibility, and updating both lab and classroom space. The project is expected to be completed in early 2018.
  • Construction of North Halls’ new residence hall, Robinson Hall, will conclude in July.

Additional Projects

  • Nittany Parking Deck rehabilitation will take place May 8 through July 28. The garage will remain open with sections blocked off for power washing, traffic coating, pavement markings and masonry repairs.
  • Several partial and full roof replacements are scheduled for this summer. Full replacements will occur on the following buildings: Mateer, Hallowell, Technology Center, 230 Innovation Park, Dairy Barn Admin, Dairy Barn F and Findlay. Partial replacements will be done on Research West and Borland.
  • The final phase of demolition of the baghouse at the West Campus Steam Plant will conclude this month. The demolition of the stack will follow in June.
Last Updated June 18, 2021
