Campus Life

Stand for State to offer bystander intervention trainings Oct. 5-6

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Stand for State is offering bystander intervention training to Penn State students, faculty and staff Oct. 5-6 at the University Park campus.

The student training session is scheduled for 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 5, in 233A HUB-Robeson Center, while the training for faculty and staff members will take place from 1-4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, also in 233A HUB. The workshops will focus on providing the skills needed to help prevent sexual and relationship violence. To register, visit or

Specifically, workshop attendees will:

  • Identify warning signs for sexual and relationship violence;
  • Consider values in regard to personal responsibility to intervene;
  • Practice skills to intervene effectively when they see concerning behavior; and
  • Learn how small choices can add up to create a safer campus.

The trainings are a follow up to “It’s On Us to Stand for State,” a collaboration between the University Park Undergraduate Association, Intercollegiate Athletics, and Stand for State that culminated in a presentation and release of a new video (see above) at the Penn State-Indiana football game on Sept. 30.

It’s On Us, a national sexual assault prevention campaign, asserts that each member of a community has a role in stopping sexual assault. Students, faculty and staff are invited to learn skills to intervene when witnessing possible situations of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking.

Last Updated October 9, 2017