— 56 percent of solid waste diverted from landfill
Penn State is committed to closing the loop on its solid waste through a program called möbius. In nearly every building on the University Park campus, there are bins for mixed paper, metal, plastic, glass, and compostable materials. For the möbius program, the University was recently honored with the title of "Best of the Best" by the National Recycling Coalition.
— 18 percent reduction in University Park greenhouse gas emissions since 2005
Since 1997, University-wide, Penn State has added 4.5 million square feet of building space while at the same time reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to below 1997 levels. More than one million square feet of this new space is dedicated to high-technology buildings including the Millennium Science Complex, laboratory space for Chemistry and the Life Sciences, and new business, law, and forestry buildings, all of which achieved LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification.
— 15 percent reduction in water use at University Park since 2005
The Living Filter is an innovative wastewater treatment method that has helped reduce the University's water usage. All the wastewater at University Park, after it passes through the wastewater treatment plant, is sprayed onto agricultural fields and forest sites, leaving the natural filter of plants, soils, and rocks to further purify the water before it is again used for drinking.
Looking Ahead
In addition to all of this positive progress, the University still has big goals, including:
- an 85 percent diversion of solid waste from landfill by 2017 (University Park),
- a 35 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 (University Park),
- and a 20 percent overall reduction in energy consumption by 2024.
Students, faculty, and staff interested in learning more or participating in sustainability activities can connect with the Sustainability Institute at sustainability.psu.edu or via social media: @sustainPSU on Twitter and Instagram.
About the Sustainability Institute
The Sustainability Institute (SI) was created to lead Penn State toward the University's sustainability vision: a comprehensive integration of sustainability into the University's research, teaching, outreach, and operations that prepares students, faculty, and staff to be sustainability leaders in their professional, personal, and civic lives.