Overview of Studies with Clinical Data and Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis Creative Commons

Clinical and Translational Science Institute

CTSI Informatics Workshop: 'Overview of Studies with Clinical Data and Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis'

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM / November 11, 2024

Join us on Nov. 11 for a workshop hosted by CTSI's BERD and Informatics Core.

Penn State CTSI's Informatics team will present an overview of studies with clinical data. Topics will include:

  • Real-world examples from clinical researchers
  • EHR data
  • OHDSI, TrinetX
  • Standard formats
  • Single-site versus multi-site studies
  • Anatomy of a data science project
  • Integration of EHR with other e.g., Imaging data
  • Examples of descriptive, exploratory, predictive, and causal studies

Penn State CTSI's BERD team will present fundamentals of statistical analysis including:

  • Types of data and types of variables (structured and unstructured data, data wrangling and cleaning, understanding the types of variables and why that matters)
  • Preliminary studies and tools (basic tools for describing your data and understanding the associations, and how preliminary studies be used to enhance your research)
  • Statistical inference (turning your research question into a statistical question, aspects to consider in choosing your statistical approaches, and understanding the scope of your conclusions)