DUBOIS, Pa. — When exploring the engineering field of study, you will quickly find that Penn State offers one of the broadest ranges of engineering majors anywhere. This is important because a wide variety of choices ensures that you can apply for the path that fits best for you and gets you ready for the career that you want. The engineering programs at Penn State help you go above and beyond what is currently known and understood. This opens limitless possibilities and opportunities for you and your future. All of this is readily available, right here at Penn State DuBois.
What is engineering?
Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures and other items. Large amounts of engineering goes into everyday items that we all use. Our homes, vehicles, buildings, bridges, highways and the technology that we use everyday all involve some unique form of engineering to make everything function the way we need it to. There are numerous specialized fields within engineering that place more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science and other types of applications.
The term engineering is derived from the Latin word “ingenium”, which means cleverness, and “ingeniare”, which means to contrive or devise.
Engineers are often considered to be creative problem solvers. They make lives better for others by designing and producing things that benefit people in many ways, shapes and forms.
Engineering programs at Penn State DuBois
There are numerous academic options in engineering available at Penn State DuBois.
One of the bachelor programs that can be completed entirely at Penn State DuBois is the Bachelor of Science in engineering that focuses on applied materials. This program educates students in the deep and broad integration of science and materials engineering for innovative and sustainable solutions to current and future material engineering challenges. Graduates of this program research the relationship between structure of materials and material properties, processing methods and performance. They develop and modify new and existing ceramics, metals, composites, particulate materials, and polymers and design ways to use these materials to improve quality of life.