Earth and Mineral Sciences

Assessment of the Living, Learning, and Working Environment (ALLWE) survey

One of the strategic goals of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences (EMS) is to create an environment characterized by openness, fairness and equal access for all students, staff and faculty. Creating and maintaining a community environment that respects individual needs, abilities and potential is critically important. 

To determine how well these critical objectives are being met, the college is in the process of undertaking a vital and relevant evaluation of our progress through the Assessment of the Living, Learning, and Working Environment (ALLWE) survey.

Participating in this survey is a chance to make a difference in EMS’ future and an opportunity to make positive, lasting changes that will help create a more inclusive college. Participation in this confidential survey will give EMS valuable insight into creating a more welcoming and respectful environment. 

The results of this survey will better enable the college to not only develop programs and policies that will increase inclusivity in areas which are shown to be problematic, but also enhance and replicate programs and policies in areas which are shown to be successfully meeting the needs of the community.

To ensure full transparency, confidentiality and to provide a more complete perspective, the college has contracted with Rankin & Associates Consulting to help lead this effort. Rankin & Associates has conducted more than 170 campus climate assessment projects during the last 20 years.

EMS values your participation and your confidentiality. All answers will remain confidential and the results will be reported in group form only. Participants will not be identifiable as an individual. Participation in this project is voluntary and not all questions need to be answered.

To learn more and to take the survey, visit online. Survey is open to all faculty, students and staff in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

Deadline to take survey is Nov. 30.

Last Updated November 20, 2018
