College of Education alumni are honored with awards from the college’s Alumni Society as well as from the Penn State Alumni Association. The society supports awards in several categories:
Alumni Excellence. This is the highest honor bestowed upon alumni of the College of Education, recognizing career-long, sustained excellence of contribution and achievement in the nominee’s profession.
Outstanding Teaching. This award recognizes an exemplary individual in a full-time teaching capacity in the education profession.
Leadership and Service. This award recognizes those alumni who have distinguished themselves in their chosen profession, in or out of the field of education.
Outstanding New Graduate. This award recognizes recent graduates who have distinguished themselves in their new careers.
Service to Penn State. This award recognizes those alumni and friends who have made significant contributions of time and talent to the college and/or the University.
J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion). This award recognizes alumni who showcase exemplary insight and fortitude in workplace and/or community diversity.
Nominations are accepted throughout the year, with recipients chosen each spring.
For information, and to submit a nomination, visit the College of Education Alumni Society Awards online.