— Serena Pariser, who graduated from the College of Education with a Bachelor of Arts in secondary education in 2001, recently published her second book, "Real Talk About Time Management: 35 Best Practices for Educators" with Corwin Press. Her first book, “Real Time About Time Management: 50 Best Practices that Work and Show You Believe in Your Students” was a 2018 bestseller. Both books are used in college classrooms around the country as a guiding text for both graduate and undergraduate teachers in training. “Real Talk About Classroom Management” also is being translated into Chinese this year to be sold overseas. Pariser has been invited to be one of the keynote speakers at the June 2020 Beginning Teacher Conference in Champaign, Illinois.
— College of Education alumni Christina Tentilucci, Jaime Trotter and Madison Claffey moved to Charleston, South Carolina, in July 2019 and were all able to find jobs at different schools in the suburbs outside of Charleston. Recently, they learned that they all were named "Rookie Teacher of the Year" at their respective schools.
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