
Around the College: April 10, 2019

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— "Practice Theory in Action: Empirical Studies of Interaction in Innovation and Entrepreneurship," a book by Betsy Campbell, assistant professor of education, was published recently by Routledge. The book investigates workplace settings devoted to technological breakthroughs and innovative entrepreneurship. By using ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, the book reveals the situated practices that teams use to enact work in settings marked by extreme uncertainty.

Amber Cesare, a Penn State alumna and STEM education outreach specialist for the Center for Science and the Schools (CSATS), wrote a commentary for the Centre Daily Times titled "Centre County's school districts collaborating amid challenges."

— An article by John Cheslock, associate professor of education (higher education), was published on Diverse Education online. The article, "Study Finds Wide Institutional Differences in Instructional Spending," covers his recent report for The Century Foundation.

Allison Goldstein, assistant professor of education (higher education); Divine Lipscomb, a rehabilitation and human services student; and Catherine Okafor, a student in the higher education master's program, spoke at the annual State of State conference on March 31. Coverage of the conference and more information on the speakers can be found on The Daily Collegian website.

— Yong Ju Jung, a doctoral student in learning, design and technology, along with Heather Toomey Zimmerman and Susan M. Land, associate professors of education (learning, design, and technology), recently published, "Emerging and developing situational interest during children's tablet-mediated biology learning activities at nature center," in the Science Learning in Everyday Life section of the peer-reviewed journal Science Education. The article examines how youths' early interests are elicited and supported when using mobile computers at a nature center.

Kevin Kinser, professor of education (higher education), was quoted in the article, "How International Education's Golden Age Lost Its Sheen," published by The Chronicle of Higher Education.

— An article by Maria Lewis, assistant professor of education, was published recently by SAGE Journals. The article, "Storytelling, Leadership, and the Law: Using Amicus Briefs to Understand the Impact of School District Policies and Practices Related to Transgender Student Inclusion," discusses the 2017 Supreme Court documents from a highly publicized case brought by a transgender student who was denied access to the bathroom that corresponds with his gender identity.

Matthew T. McCrudden, associate professor of education (educational psychology), and colleagues, edited a special edition of the journal Contemporary Educational Psychology. The special edition, "Mixed Methods in Educational Psychology," aims to support the development of mixed methods research as an approach to inquiry by showcasing high-quality mixed methods research studies conducted by educational psychologists across a range of topics.

Heather Toomey Zimmerman and Susan M. Land, associate professors of education (learning, design, and technology), recently published the chapter, "Sociomaterial Configurations and Resources Supporting Observations in Outdoor Learning: Results from Multiple Iterations of the Tree Investigator Project," in the edited book, "Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies," published by Springer. The chapter discusses design principle learned for supported learning with mobile computers in nature centers and botanical gardens. They, along with Lucy R. McClain, a College of Education alumna and current director of Shaver's Creek Environment Center, also published "Family connections to local science issues: how scientists use questions to engage families in personally-relevant learning during science-themed workshops," in the International Journal of Science Education. The article, based on a project funded by the Federal Institute for Museum and Library Services, discusses how to involve scientists and engineers into library and museum programs serving rural families.

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Last Updated April 17, 2019