Students, staff and faculty members from Penn State's College of Education share recent research and career achievements.
· David Baker, professor of education (educational theory and policy, sociology, demography has been selected to receive the College of the Liberal Arts' Ray Lombra Award for Distinction in the Social Sciences. Baker and the other award recipients at a ceremony from on Monday, April 18, at the Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center.
· Mildred Boveda, associate professor of education (special education), wrote a piece for The Conversation, “Students of color in special education are less likely to get the help they need – here are 3 ways teachers can do better.”
· Diana Gallardo, a doctoral candidate in counselor education, is one of four awardees in this year’s AACTE Holmes Program Dissertation Funding Competition. The Holmes Program provides mentorship, professional development, and a supportive peer network to racially and ethnically diverse students who are pursuing graduate degrees in education.
· Matthew Gardner Kelly, assistant professor of education (educational leadership) and a witness for the plaintiffs in the Pennsylvania school funding case, is cited in a story by Philadelphia PBS affiliate WHYY, “Study at issue in Pa. school funding case revised to show low-income students get less.”
· Gerald K. LeTendre, H.L. Batschelet Chair of Education (educational leadership), has a new article, “Teacher Leadership in Cross-National Perspective” in The Palgrave Handbok of Teacher Education Research.
· Paul Morgan, Harry & Marion Eberly Faculty Fellow and professor of education (educational theory and policy), is lead author of an article, “Which Children are Frequently Victimized in U.S. Elementary Schools? Population‑Based Estimates” in School Mental Health.
"Around the College" highlights accomplishments by faculty, staff and students in the College of Education, including publications; research presentations at conferences and workshops; and awards, grants and fellowships. Please share your news with us and your colleagues by emailing