· Aaron Campbell, assistant professor of education (special education), is lead author of a new paper, “Social-Emotional and Behavioral Support for First- and Second-Grade Black Learners at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Problems,” in Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.
· Ed Fuller, associate professor of education (educational leadership), is quoted in an article, “Breaking Down the Walls to Teaching: Alternative Pipelines Boom,” in The74.
· Maithreyi Gopalan, assistant professor of education (education and public policy), is lead author a recently published paper, “K–12 Civil Rights Complaints: A Nationwide Analysis,” in Educational Researcher. Maria Lewis, associate professor of education (educational leadership), is her co-author. Gopalan also is a co-author on another paper, “Better Late Than Never: Effects of Late ACA Medicaid Expansions for Parents on Family Health-Related Financial Well-Being,” in INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.
· DeMarcus Jenkins, assistant professor of education (educational leadership), authored a recently published article, “’Schools Are Not Safer with Police’: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Public Comments on the Removal of School Resource Officers,” in Journal of Education Human Resources.
· Matthew Kelly, assistant professor of education (educational leadership), is lead author of a new article, “Theoretically All Children Are Equal. Practically This Can Never Be So”: The History of the District Property Tax in California and the Choice of Inequality,” in Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education.
· Francesca Lopez, Waterbury Chair in Equity Pedagogy and professor of education (second language education), is co-author on a new paper, “How to respond to community concerns about critical race theory,” in Phi Delta Kappan.
· Paul Morgan, Harry & Marion Eberly Faculty Fellow and professor of education (educational theory and policy), wrote a piece for The Conversation, “Disparities in advanced math and science skills begin by kindergarten.” The essay focuses on his recent paper, “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Advanced Science and Mathematics Achievement During Elementary School,” in Gifted Child Quarterly.
· John Randolph, a doctoral student in higher education and assistant director of the Office of Veterans Programs, recently had a bill introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives. This legislation is birthed out of his work within the Office of Educational Equity at Penn State and would expand opportunities for the more than 1 million military-connected students within higher education nationwide.
· William Rothwell, professor of education (workforce education), co-edited two new books published by Routledge: “Rethinking Organizational Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” and “Transformational Coaching for Effective Leadership.”
· Deborah Schussler, professor of education (educational leadership), is co-author of a new paper, “Implementation Reporting Recommendations for School-Based Mindfulness Programs,” in Mindfulness. Schussler also co-authored another article recently published in Mindfulness, “Identifying Core Program Components of Mindfulness-Based Programming for Youth: Delphi Approach Consensus Outcomes.”
· Carlos Zalaquett, professor of education (counselor education), and co-coordinator of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program, was named Honorary Member of the Cuban Society of Health Psychology. The recognition was made at the IX International Conference of Health Psychology, Psicosalud 2022, on Nov. 16. In addition, Zalaquett received an award for his Internationalization of the VIII Regional Congress of the Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología (SIP) - Interamerican Society of Psychology. The SIP Chile 2022 Psychology Congress was hosted by the University of Concepción, organized in conjunction with the higher education institutions: Universidad del Desarrollo, Universidad de Santo Tomás, Universidad del Biobío, Universidad Andrés Bello, Universidad de Las Américas, Universidad Adventista de Chile, Universidad San Sebastián, and the Scientific Society of Psychology of Chile.
"Around the College" highlights accomplishments by faculty, staff and students in the College of Education, including publications; research presentations at conferences and workshops; and awards, grants and fellowships. Please share your news with us and your colleagues by emailing edrelations@psu.edu.