Students, staff and faculty members from Penn State's College of Education share recent research and career achievements.
- Janice Byrd, assistant professor of education (counselor education), is co-author of a new article, “‘Where I Can Be Myself’: Black Youth Narratives of Their Future Careers,” in Professional School Counseling.
- Gilberto Q. Conchas, the Wayne K. and Anita Woolfolk Hoy Endowed Professor of Education, is co-author of a book, “Race Frames in Education,” recently published by Teachers College Press.
- Erica Frankenberg, professor of education (educational leadership and demography) and Karen Babbs Hollett, a doctoral student in the Department of Education Policy Studies, co-authored a report, “Early Divisions: Racial and Economic Segregation in Virginia’s Public Pre-Kindergarten,” through the Center for Education and Civil Rights.
- Jeff Hayes, professor of education (counselor education) was recently named founding editor of an international journal to be published by Taylor & Francis, called Cogent Mental Health. The journal will use an interdisciplinary perspective to advance current understanding of the causes and consequences of prevalent mental health problems, as well as their treatment.
- Paul Morgan, Harry & Marion Eberly Faculty Fellow and professor of education (educational theory and policy), wrote an article, “White children are especially likely to be overdiagnosed and overtreated for ADHD, according to a new study” for The Conversation. In addition, Morgan’s research on racial and ethnic disparities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and treatment also is cited in an article in The Guardian and a story in Politifact.
- David Passmore, professor emeritus of education, is quoted in an article, “Survey: As online ordering grows, warehouse workers say they need more tech to save their bodies,” on WESA, Pittsburgh’s National Public Radio affiliate.
"Around the College" highlights accomplishments by faculty, staff and students in the College of Education, including publications; research presentations at conferences and workshops; and awards, grants and fellowships. Please share your news with us and your colleagues by emailing