
Around the College: Sept. 29, 2021

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Students, staff and faculty members from Penn State's College of Education share recent research and career achievements.

  • Karly Ford, assistant professor and research associate of education (higher education), recently served as a discussion panelist for the University of Michigan National Center for Institutional Diversity’s Hot Off the Press Speaker Series.
  • “The Resegregation of Suburban Schools,” co-authored by Erica Frankenberg, professor of education (educational leadership and demography) and director of the Center for Education and Civil Rights, was cited in a New York Times op-ed written by Jay Caspian Kang.
  • Several College of Education faculty members co-authored a brief, “Understanding the Attacks on Critical Race Theory” for the National Education Policy Center. The contributors included lead author Francesca Lopez, Waterbury Chair in Equity Pedagogy and Professor of Education; Royel Johnson, assistant professor of education and African American studies and research associate of education (higher education); Ashley Patterson, assistant professor of education (curriculum and instruction); and LaWanda Ward, assistant professor of education (higher education) and research associate in the Center for the Study of Higher Education.
  • Research by Paul Morgan, Harry & Marion Eberly Faculty Fellow and professor of education (educational theory and policy), is cited in an Urban Institute report, “Building an Apprenticeship Infrastructure for Youth Receiving SSI.” In addition, a study by Morgan and colleagues finding that children's oral vocabularies by 24 months of age predict their academic achievement and classroom behavior in kindergarten was cited by Editorial Board of the Los Angeles Times. Also, a report by the World Bank Group, “Foundations for Building Forward Better: An Education Reform Path for Lebanon” cites Morgan’s research examining the potential importance of early vocabulary acquisition for children's later development.

"Around the College" highlights accomplishments by faculty, staff and students in the College of Education, including publications; research presentations at conferences and workshops; and awards, grants and fellowships. Please share your news with us and your colleagues by emailing


Last Updated October 6, 2021
