
Around the College: Sept. 5, 2018

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Erica Frankenberg, associate professor of education (educational leadership), was quoted in "Dual school system, need for better option led to Sumter County's charter school," an article about Sumter County, Alabama's first charter school, published on

Ed Fuller, associate professor of education (educational leadership), was quoted in the article "What Follows Five Years of Failure at Mendez Middle School?" an article published in The Austin Chronicle about Texas' A-F school accountability system.

— Jennifer Miller, a doctoral student in the Lifelong Learning and Adult Education program, has published "The Transformative and Healing Power of Theatre of Witness," in the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education.

Paul Morgan, professor of education (education policy studies) presented information about his findings related to educational disparities among minority students at a policy briefing on Aug. 27 in Washington, D.C. The briefing was attended by the assistant secretary and deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, as well as the acting director of the Office of Special Education. Three research articles led by Morgan are among the most read articles published in Educational Researcher. Research that he conducted with Deborah Schussler, associate professor of education (education policy studies), is among the most read articles published in Exceptional Children.

Kelly Ochs Rosinger, assistant professor of education (education policy studies), was quoted in the article "College Admissions Minus the Tests Does Not Add Up to Diversity," published by OZY.

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Last Updated September 5, 2018