Annual New Student Reception scheduled for Sept. 5
The College of Education will host its annual New Student Reception/Ice Cream Social at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5, on the front portico of Chambers Building. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be held on the first floor of Chambers Building. The reception provides opportunities for students to meet and mingle with others in the college, including students, faculty and administrators, as well as enjoy Berkey Creamery ice cream.
Fall RIG proposals due Sept. 14
Proposals are being accepted for the college’s Research Initiation Grant (RIG) program. This program is designed to assist College of Education faculty in developing research proposals that have the potential to attract external funding. Awards of up to $9,000 may be granted. The grants can be used to support expenses such as travel, instrument development, data collection or assembly, meeting with potential sponsor(s), exploratory data analysis, purchase of research materials or funding for a research assistant.
Visit the college's Research Resources page at and follow the Research Initiation Grants link to the guidelines and application. The deadline for fall submissions is Sept. 14. (Spring submissions are due by Jan. 15, 2019.) Proposals will be reviewed by the Research Advisory Committee, a committee composed of one researcher from each department in the College of Education.
Questions regarding the RIG program may be emailed to Greg Kelly, associate dean for Research, Outreach and Technology, at
Add/drop dates set for Fall 2018
The following dates have been set for the regular session add/drop deadlines for fall semester:
- Regular drop deadline: 11:59 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25
- Regular add deadline: 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26
- Late drop begins: Sunday, Aug. 26. Students should refer to the following schedule regarding tuition adjustments for fall semester:; Adjustment Schedules:
- Late registration begins: Monday, Aug. 27. Students who are not already enrolled in a course for fall semester and add a course on this date or later will incur an additional $250 late registration fee.
- Late drop deadline: 11:59 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9. Refer to the tuition adjustment schedule for fall semester provided above
- Withdrawal deadline: 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7
For additional important University Registrar dates, visit online.
New LionPATH features announced for students and faculty
Just in time for the 2018-19 academic year, LionPATH has some new features to improve the user experience. Students can now take advantage of a new calendaring feature, as well as new course and grade notifications. Faculty can benefit from new class roster enhancements. For a complete list of new features and enhancements, visit online.
Penn State introduces new, mobile-friendly online visitor maps
Visitors to Penn State’s locations statewide will find it easier to navigate their way around campus with the launch of new, enhanced online maps. Updated maps are now available for University Park and the majority of the Commonwealth Campuses; links are provided below for both those that are completed and those still in progress. Each new map, available for both desktop and mobile platforms, includes 3D views of campus and integrates with Open Street Maps for areas around campus. For more information, visit online.
Campus Shuttle via Beaver Avenue to begin service with start of fall semester
The Campus Shuttle via Pollock Road introduced last fall by Transportation Services returns on Monday, Aug. 20, with a new name — Campus Shuttle via Beaver Avenue — and an updated route. The recent closure of a section of Pollock Road required the removal of Campus Shuttle stops near the two parking information kiosks on each end of Pollock Road. For more information, visit online.
If you have an announcement you would like to share with the College of Education, send it via email to Submissions must include a contact name and telephone number so that Connections can verify the information.