
College of Education Grants: Nov. 29, 2023

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Learn about the most recently awarded active external research grant awards awarded to faculty in the College of Education.

Wenting “Ellen” Zou, assistant professor of education, is lead principal investigator (PI) of a three-year project, “Collaborative Research: Social Media Co-Pilot: Enhancing Teens’ Digital Literacy and Cyber Safety Education with AI-based Conversational Intervention” that has been awarded $850,000 from the National Science Foundation. The goal of this project is to educate teens on safe, responsible and ethical conduct on the internet through "Social Media Co-Pilot," an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) based conversational intervention embedded in an interactive and realistic online learning environment.

Zou will lead the research team to explore cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) techniques to develop the conversational AI agent system, with extensive input from racially and ethnically diverse teens and educators to ensure its relevance and effectiveness to diverse learner populations. Collaborating PIs are Qian Yang (PI, Cornell University), Natalie Barzarova (co-PI, Cornell University) and Dominic DiFranzo (PI, Lehigh University.)

Information about external grant awards is provided by the College of Education Research Office. For information about all active research projects in the college, visit online.

Last Updated November 28, 2023
