Following are active external research grants awarded to faculty in the Penn State College of Education since July 1, 2019:
— Liza Conyers, professor of education (rehabilitation and human services), and Jeremy Sandberg, research project manager; Pennsylvania Department of Health, $598,603; "Pennsylvania Expanded HIV Testing Initiative (PEHTI) 2019."
— Allison Fleming, assistant professor of education, and Wendy Coduti, associate professor of education (rehabilitation and human services); Dream Partnership, $45,000; "Access College-Employment Success (ACES) Project Year 2."
— Matthew Johnson, assistant professor of education (science education), and Kathleen Hill, assistant professor of education; National Science Foundation, $402,164; "RFE: Practices of Engineers in Rural Schools Involving Students and Teachers (PERSIST) in Engineering."
— ChanMin Kim, associate professor of education; University of Georgia, $73,175; "Using Collective Argumentation to Develop Teaching practices Integrating Coding Within the Science and Math Curriculum (Grades 3-5)."
— P. Karen Murphy, distinguished professor of education (educational psychology), with Gwendolyn Lloyd, the Henry J. Hermanowicz professor of teacher education and professor of education (mathematics education); Amy Voss Farris, assistant professor of education (science education); and Rachel Wolkenhauer, assistant professor of education (curriculum and supervision); National Science Foundation, $1,979,290; "Enhancing Teacher Preparation in Elementary Mathematics through a Research-based Framework for Teacher-facilitated Discussions." Information:
— P. Karen Murphy, distinguished professor of education (educational psychology); Lyle Spencer Research Award, $999,995.44; "Academically Productive Talk: Strengthening the Infrastructure for Research and Practice." Information:
— Cynthia Pellock, director of the Professional Personnel Development Center for Career and Technical Education and professor of education (workforce education and development), and Mark Threeton, associate professor of education (learning and performance systems); Pennsylvania Department of Education, $1,275,925; "Professional Personnel Development Center for Career and Technical Education 2018-2019."
— Kelly Rosinger, assistant professor of education; Arnold Ventures and The Joyce Foundation, $373,590; "The Effects of Variations in Performance-Based Funding Policies on Student Access, Success, and Labor Market Outcomes." Information:
— Amanda Smith, STEM outreach & engagement liaison; Tides Foundation, $4,000; "100Kin10 Network Partner Collaboration – PA Data Center"; and Tides Foundation, $2,353; "100Kin10 Network Partner Collaboration – 100kin10 Teacher Leadership Forum."
— Mark Threeton, associate professor of education (learning and performance systems); Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, $127,734; "Field-Based Certification of Vocational Instructors at the PA Department of Corrections 2019-2022."
— Michael Vail, education program associate; Pennsylvania Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education, $2,135; "Staff Professional Development Grant."
Information about external grant awards is provided by the College of Education Research Office. For information about all active research projects in the College, visit