
College of Education News: Jan. 31, 2024

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Students, staff and faculty members from Penn State's College of Education share recent research and career achievements.

  • José Cossa, associate professor of education (lifelong learning and adult education; comparative and international education; and African studies) is one of five new fellows in UNESCO IBE Documentation Center. The center is dedicated to using its invaluable materials to build bridges between scholars, educators, and the public and to create opportunities for interdisciplinary research, scholarly exploration, creativity, and intellectual exchange.
  • Marisa DeColllibus, a doctoral candidate in school psychology, is co-author of a recently published article, “Exploring Adolescents’ Perceptions of Contemplatives Practices and Forms of Learning in Indian Secondary Schools” in Contemplative Perspectives and Practices in Holistic Education.
  • Erica Frankenberg, professor of education and demography, wrote an op-ed, “70 years after Brown v. Board of Ed., public schools still segregated” that was published in The Conversation and The Fulcrum. Additionally, Frankenberg was named to the 2024 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings. The list ranks the 200 university-based U.S. scholars who did the most last year to shape educational practice and policy.
  • Maithreyi Gopalan, assistant professor of education and public policy, is co-author of a new article, “Who feels like they belong? Personality and belonging in college” in PLOS ONE.
  • Mariah Harmon, assistant professor of education, recently received the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Outstanding Dissertation Award.
  • Allison Henward, associate professor of education (early childhood education), was selected by the Graduate Council Fellowships and Awards Committee for the 2023-24 Graduate Faculty Teaching Award. The Graduate School Graduate Faculty Teaching Award is intended to recognize faculty members for outstanding teaching performance and advising/supervision of doctoral students or terminal degree students.
  • Gerry LeTendre, Harry Lawrence Batschelet II Chair of Educational Administration, wrote an op-ed, “What social robots can teach America’s students” for The Conversation.
  • Brenda Martinez, student advocate specialist for the Office of Education & Social Equity (OESE) has been named director of OESE. She will lead the student facing, day-to-day operations of the office.
  • Jeanine Staples-Dixon, professor of education (literacy and language, African American studies, and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies) is the newest co-director for the Early Career Educator of Color (ECEOC) Leadership Program. An ECEOC alum, Staples-Dixon’s term begins in 2024 and continues through 2029.

"College of Education News" highlights accomplishments by faculty, staff and students in the College of Education, including publications; research presentations at conferences and workshops; and awards and fellowships. Please share your news with us and your colleagues by emailing

Last Updated January 30, 2024
