
College Profile: Suzanne Dannenmueller

Name: Suzanne Dannenmueller
Title: Academic Adviser
Department: Advising and Certification Center
Phone: 814-865-7199
Office Address: 233B Chambers Building

Dannenmueller serves as one of five academic advisers in the College of Education, working primarily with secondary education social studies and science students, as well as elementary and early childhood education PK-4 majors. She also supports the work of the recruitment and retention coordinator by assisting with accepted student programs, Spend A Summer Day, New Student Orientation, fall visits, For the Glory, and other student and family programs. In fall 2018, Dannenmueller also taught a first-year seminar course with an emphasis on student excellence and success at Penn State. She also is the co-adviser of the Undergraduate Education Student Council and participates in the College of Education Alumni Mentoring Program.

Last Updated January 30, 2019