
Dean's message in the fall 2019 College of Education Alumni Magazine

Credit: Steve Tressler / Penn State. Creative Commons

As I begin my tenure as the dean of the College of Education, I want to take a moment to reflect on the powerful opportunities presented by new beginnings. This fall, new beginnings for me are about more than my new career phase. They also include the move to State College from Chicago, a new home and becoming an empty-nester as my youngest started freshman year here at Penn State.

While new beginnings can signal an end to what came prior, they also bring with them the hope that anything is possible. When this hope is met with intentionality, planning and action, greatness follows. This is an incredibly exciting time for the college and the University as a whole – and I am blessed to be a part of it with you all.

I am sure that many of you are wondering what lies ahead for the college, what new initiatives are on the horizon and what changes will result from the change in leadership. While I do have some initial thoughts and plans, what I am engaging in right now is a listening and learning tour to understand the college and learn its values as an aggregate body of dedicated educational professionals, students and alumni.

What is clear to me across these initial learning and listening opportunities, is that the College of Education is an amazingly vibrant and dedicated community of scholars, students and staff focused on the betterment of our society through education.

To help with this process, I am really interested in hearing from you – your thoughts, your ideas, and your affinity for the College that continues to fuel your engagement. What can we do – together – in the next year and beyond to develop powerful ideas and translate them into consequential action through our teaching, research and outreach? Please feel free to send your comments to

The information gleaned from this listening and learning tour, combined with other internal and external data, will help us to not only know who we are, but also allow us all to think about who we will be. It is said that while change is scary, what is scarier is failing to take the first step. As we embark together on this exciting journey, I very much look forward to taking those first steps with you to ensure we have the best college we can possibly envision. I am grateful to have this opportunity to collaborate with, and learn from, all of you.

Last Updated December 3, 2019
