Name: JoLynn V. Carney
Faculty profile: JoLynn V. Carney
Title: Associate Professor of Education (Counselor Education)
Department: Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education
Phone: 814-863-2404
Office address: 303 CEDAR Building
Directory entry:
Carney is a licensed professional clinical counselor who has experience working in community mental health agencies, private practice and schools. She has been a trustee on a number of boards of directors that service at-risk youth; has served on state-counseling boards; works closely with local school districts; and is a recipient of several service awards from various professional groups. Carney also is past-president of Chi Sigma Iota Academic and Professional Honor Society International.
Carney’s extensive research and publication efforts focus on intervention/prevention aspects of youth violence. Her scholarly work also includes wellness programming and counselor-training techniques. A significant focus is on the psychophysiological influence of chronic bullying on youth. A major initiative is Project TEAM, which is an ecological framework for reducing school violence and enhancing prosocial behaviors in youth through the development of a team-oriented culture within the school community. The initiative is an applied researcher-practitioner collaboration.
Carney has served on editorial boards of internationally recognized counseling journals, and does local, regional and national trainings/workshops in her areas of expertise.
Stephanie Koons