
Message from the Board President

Greetings fellow alumni! The Alumni Society Board has had an exciting year. We have been attending events for alumni, participating in society meetings and getting to know our new dean, Kimberly Lawless. What many alumni do not know about is all of the work that we do with current Penn State students.

In October, at the Penn State Alumni Association’s annual awards banquet, the society won the “Student Interaction” Award for the Alumni-Student Teacher Network (ASTN). The ASTN helps prepare students for their future teaching careers. Students participate in workshops on topics such as interview preparation, teacher certification and professionalism. We have ASTNs in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Erie and the Centre Region.

We coordinated several service projects, which supported students. Last June, we raised funds to support Blue & White Society memberships to help introduce students to the Penn State Alumni Association. We collected enough money to support 56 memberships, which were given to students at the welcome ice cream social for new College of Education students back in September.

In October, we collected clothing donations to benefit the Penn State Clothing Transit. The Clothing Transit is an important resource in the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity for trans and gender non-conforming students to comfortably find clothing without the discomfort of shopping in traditional clothing stores. Then, in March, we collected donations to benefit the Lions Pantry, which addresses food insecurity at the University Park campus by providing students access to free food items to which they might otherwise not have access.

There is a lot going on at Penn State and the Alumni Society Board has enjoyed working with and helping students. If you are interested in learning more about joining the Board, please check out our page on the College of Education’s website.

— Pamela Peter
(‘92 Behrend, ‘94 M.Ed. Edu)

Last Updated June 2, 2020
