
'We Are Weekend' events aim to connect College of Education alumni, community

Dean Kimberly Lawless will host a luncheon for College of Education alumni as part of the We Are Weekend festivities. Credit: Bob Conn. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The College of Education is hosting three free events for alumni and friends as part of We Are Weekend. Organized by the Penn State Alumni Association, We Are Weekend features opportunities to engage with fellow alumni and create new Penn State memories. This year, the Alumni Association is planning a week-long edition of their signature event with virtual programming June 13-16 and in-person activities on the University Park campus June 17-18.

Join members of the Higher Education Program Alumni Council at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, as they present “Where Are They Now? Higher Education Alumni Roundtable.” During this webinar, master’s and doctoral graduates of the College of Education Higher Education Program will share their Penn State story and career pathways, followed by a Q&A session. Participants will learn of alumni experiences post-Penn State and investigate potential professional pathways in the higher education field.

The Social Equity Alumni Network will host “Break the Ice with the SEA Network” at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. This virtual session will feature interactive games with a Penn State-inspired twist. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn some virtual as well as in-person icebreakers that they can use in the classroom, with their work team, and even at family functions.

Dean Kimberly Lawless will host a luncheon for College of Education alumni at noon Friday, June 17, in the Garden Room of the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. She will provide an update on the latest programs and initiatives in the college.

Registration is required for all three events and space for the luncheon is limited. For a complete schedule and to sign up for individual sessions, visit the Penn State Alumni Association’s We Are Weekend page.

Last Updated April 12, 2022
