
College of Engineering calls for nominations for 40 Under 40 Alumni Award

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State College of Engineering is soliciting nominations for the 40 Under 40 Alumni Award. This award will recognize numerous College of Engineering alumni 40 years of age and younger for their professional achievements. 

“This newly established award will recognize some the college’s most influential alumni who have made great strides in their careers, communities and at Penn State,” said Justin Schwartz, Harold and Inge Marcus Dean of Engineering. “These young alumni inspire future engineers and serve as powerful role models for our students.”

Approximately 10 to 15 young alumni will be selected each year to receive this award until the 40 Under 40 class is achieved. This cohort of 40 awardees will represent their profession’s top rising leaders who give back not only to their profession but also to their communities and Penn State. 

“We felt it was important for the college to create an award like this, as it provides us with an opportunity to showcase the incredible achievements of our younger alumni. It also allows us to reconnect with them,” said Michelle Schafer, director of alumni relations and events in the college. 

The college is accepting nominations from anyone within the Penn State community, including faculty, staff and alumni. Nominees must be graduates of the College of Engineering and under 40 years of age as of Jan. 21, 2021. Alumni will be awarded based on their representation of Penn State’s core values: integrity, respect, responsibility, discovery, excellence and community; their commitment to maintaining a lifelong relationship with the college; and their success in professional experience, leadership and community service.  

The selection committee includes, but is not limited to, academic deans, department heads, faculty, members of the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society and development council. 

Nominations for the first cohort are due by Aug. 21. Recipients will be chosen in the fall and presented with their awards in a formal ceremony tentatively scheduled for February 2021. The nomination form can be accessed here.


Last Updated July 20, 2020
