Faculty and Staff

President’s Commissions for Equity membership application deadline is March 5

The Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equity (CLGBTE); the Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity (CORED); and the Commission for Women (CFW) are now accepting applications for both appointed and affiliate membership. Appointed members serve three- to four-year terms (depending on the commission) and have voting privileges. Affiliate members serve one-year, renewable terms and do not have voting privileges. Appointed and affiliate terms begin July 1.

Applications will be accepted through Thursday, March 5.

The commissions value the breadth of background and experience that can be found among the members of the University community and are actively seeking a broad base of applicants. Students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, staff and administrators from all Penn State campuses are eligible to serve. Individuals interested in working to enhance diversity and support the missions of CLGBTE, CORED or CFW are encouraged to apply. Staff members may wish to speak with their supervisors about this University service opportunity prior to submitting an application. To learn more about the commissions and to submit an online application, visit http://equity.psu.edu/pce.


Last Updated May 10, 2016