Faculty and Staff

Procedure to resolve complaints alleging discrimination on basis of disability

It is the policy of Penn State not to discriminate on the basis of disability. Penn State has updated its internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Penn State’s 504 grievance procedure can be found at http://www.psu.edu/dept/aaoffice/504_procedure.htm.Section 504 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance (to learn more about the federal regulations, visit http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/disabilityoverview.html).Bill Ritzman, Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator at Penn State, has been designated to coordinate the University’s efforts to comply with Section 504. For additional questions, contact Ritzman at 814-863-0471.

Last Updated August 25, 2015