
Penn State Fayette celebrates success of 'Greater Penn State' campaign

Credit: Penn State Fayette / Penn StateCreative Commons

LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus has raised $4,181,642 and helped the University to achieve record-breaking success in its recently concluded campaign, “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence.” June 30 marked the end of both the most successful campaign and the most successful fundraising year in the institution’s history. The Penn State Fayette total represents a transformative investment by 1,020 alumni, friends, corporate partners and others in its mission to prepare students for lifelong learning and productive citizenship within an increasingly diverse and global society.

“We are deeply grateful for the generous support from our donors throughout the campus history and especially during this most recent campaign. The regional community is very willing to support our students and their success. In this campaign, nearly $3.5 million was given in undergraduate scholarships for Penn State Fayette students, of whom about 90% receive financial assistance. The additional gifts for the Fayette LaunchBox provide funds for programming to support new business startups. The LaunchBox aligns with the entrepreneurial spirit of many of our donors. We are truly thankful for our community partners and especially our generous donors who have supported these and other priorities,” according to Charles Patrick, chancellor and chief academic officer.

The campaign, which began in 2016, was focused on the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Within Penn State Fayette, top campaign achievements included:

  • $3,432,849 raised for undergraduate scholarships. Donors have secured additional funds for Penn State Fayette from the campaign’s scholarship matching programs, including $420,000 through the Open Doors Matching Program and $550,000 through the First-Time Endowed Scholarship Donor Matching Program.
  • $225,000 raised to support the Fayette LaunchBox, a no-cost business accelerator designed to connect early-stage startups with the resources and support necessary for growth. Donors have secured additional funds for the Fayette LaunchBox of $225,000 through Penn State’s LaunchBox Matching Program.

“We are thankful to Phil Savini, Penn State Fayette campaign chair, and to members of the volunteer committee for their support and service over the past six years. Collectively, our volunteers committed nearly $400,000 to the campaign effort,” said Lori Omatick, director of development at Fayette.

With the record-breaking success of “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” which raised $2.2 billion from 2016 to 2022, philanthropy is helping to sustain the University’s tradition of education, research and service to communities across the commonwealth and around the globe. Scholarships enable our institution to open doors and welcome students from every background, support for transformative experiences allows our students and faculty to fulfill their vast potential for leadership, and gifts toward discovery and excellence help us to serve and impact the world we share. To learn more about the impact of giving and the continuing need for support, please visit raise.psu.edu.

Last Updated August 10, 2022
