
Penn State Fayette students honored at 56th-annual Student Awards Banquet

Jacob Levendosky, Student Excellence Award finalist; with Maria Catalina and Joshua Simon, recipients of the Dennis Hippo Memorial Award, at the 56th-annual Student Awards Banquet. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus hosted the 56th-annual Student Awards Banquet on April 29 at the Community Center for a crowd of campus community members, family, and friends.

The banquet recognizes students who demonstrate academic persistence, leadership, service, athletic participation, campus involvement, or community engagement over the academic year. Penn State Fayette congratulates the following award recipients:


James E. Work Memorial Award in Agriculture: Maggi Bubonovich

Jerome Joseph Guzy Memorial Award: Julia Bryner, Drawing; Caitlyn Snyder, Painting

David Hyatt Snyder Award in Business: Abigail White

Associate in Business Administration Student of the Year Award: Kaylee Franks

Bachelor of Science in Business Student of the Year Award: Abigail Bennington

Criminal Justice Student of the Year Award: Haley Miller

Engineering Student of the Year Award: Luke Smearcheck

Engineering Technology Student of the Year Award: Joseph O’Connell

Math Student of the Year Award: Megan O’Brien, Josephine Pindro

Project and Supply Chain Management Student of the Year Award: Tanner Schwartz

Psychology Student of the Year Award: Sarah Franks

Physical Therapy Student of the Year Assistant Award: Vanessa Simon

Life Science Student of the Year Award: Brandy Sickles

Physical Science Student of the Year Award: Zach Diamond


Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award: Hayley White

Established in 1971, the Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award recognizes students from each of the Penn State Undergraduate Campuses whose outstanding qualities of character, scholarship, leadership, and citizenship have positively influenced the campus and University community.

President Walker Award: Zachary Allamon, Lucas Beddick, Kyle Belan, Julia Bryner, Maggi Bubonovich, Chase Hazelbaker, Bryce Landman, Ian Palaisa, Tara Rankin, Nikolas Regish, Julie Seliga, Christa Stroder, Lyndsi Urani

This award is presented annually to undergraduate degree candidates who have earned a 4.0 (A) cumulative grade-point average based on at least 12 graded Penn State credits completed during their first semester of admission.

President Sparks Award: Megan O’Brien, Josephine Pindro, Luke Smearcheck

The President Sparks Award is presented annually to students who have earned a 4.00 cumulative grade-point average based on at least 36 graded credits.


Dennis Hippo Memorial Award: Maria Catalina, Joshua Simon

Established in 1970, the Dennis Hippo Memorial Award recognizes students who exemplify the attributes of Dennis Hippo in the areas of leadership, academic persistence, engagement, service, and altruism.

Drozd Family Humanitarian Assistance and Community Service Award: Daniel Spring

The Drozd Family Humanitarian Assistance and Community Service Award recognizes outstanding achievement by undergraduate students who have given of themselves by performing community service and/or humanitarian assistance to their community, state, country, and/or other nations affected by catastrophic natural events.

Port Family Public Service Award: J’Taya Pirl

The Port Family Public Service Award recognizes a student who has volunteered or assisted in public service programs within the campus or regional community.

Student Excellence Award

Finalist: Maggi Bubonovich, “The Tihu: an analysis of how consumerism culture and collective policy has shaped Hopi culture/economics, and where the Indian Arts and Crafts Board falls short of economic protection for Hopi artists.”

Finalist: Jacob Levendosky, “The Antimicrobial Properties of Household Supplies”

Winner: Adriana Gebe, “How is Perceived Sense of Control Related to Student Stress and Academic Performance?”

The Student Excellence Award recognizes students who compete in a rigorous written and oral academic research presentation.

Club of the Year Award: Christian Club

The Club of the Year Award recognizes a student-run organization that has contributed outstanding service to the campus, regional, and/or global community.

Last Updated May 3, 2022