Global Programs

Penn State Global now offers quick-look listing of international agreements

Responding to the need to provide convenient access to Penn State international agreements and partnerships information, Penn State Global has created an online, ‘quick-look’ listing of agreements (by country) with our international partners. The Active Agreements/Partnerships listing will be updated regularly.

Faculty who are globally engaged and are interested in developing a formal partnership with an institution outside of the U.S. are encouraged to browse the list of agreements to see if there are current partnerships that could meet their needs. Those with a specific university in mind could see if Penn State already has a partnership with the institution to increase collaboration across multiple disciplines.

Faculty who have agreements with institutions not on the list are encouraged to reach out to the Global Collaborations unit to ensure that their agreement is added to the list and that they are compliant with university guidelines.

“We hope that providing access to Penn State’s list of partner institutions is useful for faculty and administrators who are collaborating internationally or interested in expanding their global connections,” said Sabine Klahr, associate vice provost for Global.

Penn State faculty engage globally in a multitude of ways, from leading education abroad experiences, to conducting research with international partners, teaching at institutions outside of the US, and participating in experiences such as the Fulbright program. Faculty also have opportunities for digital engagement, such as through EDGE (Experiential Digital Global Engagement) programs and other virtual collaboration. Several academic programs have developed articulation agreements with international partners that allow students to complete their education at both institutions.

Penn State currently has around 300 international agreements with a wide variety of entities worldwide. Of those, there are 260+ partnership agreements that enable and support formal relationships with more than 200 higher education institutions (HEIs), non-profit organizations, and governmental entities around the world.

The office of Global Collaborations maintains a centralized database of these partnerships and agreements. Those interested in initiating an agreement with an international institution and having it added to the list, can submit the Unified International Agreement Proposal (U-IAP) at InfoReady.

For more information about international partnerships and agreements at the Penn State University, please contact or visit

Last Updated February 15, 2023