Great Valley

Drawing with Light: Creating Community with Movement, Light, & Time

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM / February 08, 2024

Free, advance registration required

Lori Hepner, Penn State Laureate for the 2023-24 academic year and professor of integrative arts at Penn State Greater Allegheny, will come to Penn State Great Valley for a collaborative, creative experience. Participate in a community art project, take a step back in time with our interactive timeline, explore the boundless creativity and skill of the Philadelphia Pastel Society, savor delicious h'ordeuvres, pick out your favorite flavor of Berkey Creamery Ice Cream, and mingle with other Chester County residents and professionals.

Hepner's movement and light-based digital artmaking project requires no prior skills in either visual art or technology and is intended to bring Penn State communities together to create collaboratively. Join us in this Drawing with Light Workshop to use programmable LED light devices, including wearable LEDs and a 6-foot-tall light stick, that are Hepner’s photographic paintbrushes to visualize movements in real-time projections. Collaboratively created imagery will be used to create public art for display across Penn State.