Great Valley

Professor to discuss new book on worst presidential campaigns

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM / November 03, 2022

MALVERN, Pa. — Mary E. Stuckey, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor and Associate Head in the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State, will discuss her new book, "Deplorable: The Worst Presidential Campaigns from Jefferson to Trump" on November 3 at the Penn State Great Valley Conference Center. 

The word "unprecedented" was often applied to Donald Trump...But was he really that unusual? "Deplorable" begins with that question and examines nine presidential elections between 1800 and 2020 to discover just what makes elections 'deplorable' and how often and why such elections recur in American politics. The talk will touch on many elections, but focus on 1992 and conclude with a quick discussion of some potential solutions to the problems posed by deplorable elections.

Tickets are free but advance registration is required.