Greater Allegheny

Weather alerts: school closings and delay information

Cancellation and delay information is available by phone on a pre-recorded message by calling the campus bulletin board phone at (412) 675-9200, Option #1. This message will inform you if classes are cancelled or if the campus has a delayed opening.

In the event of snow, severe storms, or emergencies, announcements of the official closing of the campus or delaying classes can be found
• on the radio (KDKA-1020 AM);
• television (KDKA-TV Channel 2; WTAE-TV Channel 4; WPXI-TV Channel 11) or the Internet (,,
• The front page of the Penn State Geater Allegheny web page will also have updates posted (

Cancellation of day classes does not automatically mean cancellation of evening classes or vice versa.

PSUTXT service will be activated
All Penn State students, faculty and staff are encouraged to enroll in PSUTXT, an easy and accessible system that lets them know via cell phone when classes are canceled due to weather conditions or if the campus has an emergency situation. Sign up now for PSUTXT and, when necessary, Penn State will send a text message alert directly to your cell phone and/or e-mail account. To register, visit

Last Updated March 19, 2009
