
Harrisburg faculty member named to leadership roles at The PhD Project

Information systems professor Roderick Lee is the inaugural chair of the advisory council as well as a board member

Roderick Lee, associate professor of information systems at Penn State Harrisburg and affiliate associate professor of higher education at Penn State University Park. Credit: John Whitehead. All Rights Reserved.

MIDDLETOWN, Pa. — Roderick Lee, associate professor of information systems at Penn State Harrisburg and affiliate associate professor of higher education at Penn State University Park, was recently elected the inaugural chair of The PhD Project Advisory Council (PAC-15) and named as a board member for The PhD Project Association

The PhD Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating access and opportunities for economically disadvantaged, underrepresented and underserved communities to pursue doctoral degrees. For over 30 years, it has supported student success priorities in higher education by developing scholars who go on to teach, inspire and mentor the next generation of business professionals. 

“I am truly honored to serve in these two key leadership roles,” Lee said. “We are making significant strides in strengthening the talent pipeline for the future workforce by expanding the scope of the traditional information systems discipline in business schools to incorporate areas like informatics, information science and technology, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, and human-centered computing, which are often found in information schools (iSchools).” 

"In these roles, my goal is to continue supporting The PhD Project in empowering both faculty and Ph.D. students to advance business and technology education while engaging in scholarship that contributes to achieving societally relevant outcomes, such as enhancing U.S. national security, economic prosperity and global competitiveness," he added. 

Since its inception in 1994, The PhD Project has helped over 1,500 members earn doctoral degrees. Currently, around 250 members are enrolled in doctoral programs, with 40 new student members joining each year. 

Lee was appointed to the PAC-15 in 2023 and elected as the inaugural chair in 2024. The PAC-15, made up of 15 professors from 15 business schools nationwide, serves as the collective “voice” of faculty and doctoral student members, provides advice and support as project considers new programs and partnerships, and acts as a sounding board for project as it executes its strategy.  

In recognition of his support and mentorship of doctoral students and new faculty entering academia, he was honored with the "Circle of Compadres" distinction from The PhD Project Information Systems and Sciences Member Association in 2024. 

In addition to his academic role at Penn State Harrisburg, Lee is a 2024-25 Administrative Fellow, working alongside Margo DelliCarpini, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor, as his mentor. 

He holds a doctorate in information sciences and technology from Penn State and an MBA and master of science in information systems, both from Penn State Harrisburg. His scholarship is centered on fostering inclusive excellence and creating cultures of inclusion in computing education and the workforce to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background or social identities, are empowered to achieve success.

Last Updated February 5, 2025