
Summer program to introduce high school students to STEM disciplines

Credit: Penn State Harrisburg / Penn State. Creative Commons

MIDDLETOWN, Pa. — Penn State Harrisburg will hold its two-week STEM Summer Enrichment Program from June 13 to 24 on campus. The program aims to introduce high school students to the STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — disciplines and careers through hands-on activities in areas including mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and physics.

“Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are crucial fields for driving innovation and competiveness,” said Susan Eskin, lecturer in physics and program coordinator. “STEM jobs show the highest expectation for growth: 17 percent as compared to 10 percent for jobs overall. By 2018, there may be as many as 2.4 million unfilled STEM jobs in the United States.

“This exciting, free summer program will help improve students’ knowledge of the STEM fields and prepare them for further studies and careers in STEM.”

Participants will participate in field trips, tours of Penn State Harrisburg labs and facilities, demonstrations, hands-on experimentation and faculty-led assistance in learning how to do scientific oral presentations.

Workshop sessions conducted by discipline-specific instructors with emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills will also be presented.

At the completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of accomplishment and be invited to attend the School of Science, Engineering, and Technology Capstone Design Conference, which is held each year in May.

Last Updated June 13, 2016