In celebration of the 2013 National Nurses Week in May, the Department of Nursing and Chief Nursing Officer Sherry Kwater presented awards to the following members of the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center nursing staff during the annual Nursing Awards Ceremony:
-- Carol Tringali and Mary Lou Kanaskie, the Nancy R. Kruger Award for Clinical Scholarship, Journal Article/Book Chapter, for “Measuring the Impact of an Educational Program on Nurses: Teaching an Evidence-Based Approach to Oral Mucositis,” published in Journal for Nurses in Staff Management
-- Dee Reardon, the Nancy R. Kruger Award for Clinical Scholarship, Podium/Poster Presentation, for “Zero HAPU in the MICU: Nursing Best Practice Reduces Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers in the Medical Intensive Care Unit,” presented at the American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute, Orlando, Fla.
-- Abbey Robinson, the Leon “Lee” McKenzie Oncology Nursing Excellence in Clinical Practice Award
-- Allison Koblitz, the Jay C. Graff Oncology Nursing Excellence Award
-- Marilou Magnaye, the Cynthia E. Hoshauer Excellence in Critcal Care Nursing Award
-- Laurie McCarthy, the RN Preceptor Award
-- Rob Ail, the LPN Excellence in Clinical Practice Award
-- Bonnie Donmoyer, recipient of the the RN Excellence in Clinical Practice Award
-- Brandi Tisdale, the Donna L. Reck Leadership Award
These nurses have been recognized for their leadership and advocacy on behalf of staff, patients and families. They have shown exemplary professional practice that promotes quality nursing care and the application and dissemination of research and evidence-based practices.