On Feb. 1, the street address for the Academic Support Building on the campus of Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and Penn State College of Medicine will change to 90 Hope Drive. This is a street address change only and does not change the existing U.S. Postal address or Internal mail codes. Mail is delivered via P.O. Box 855 to the main hospital and then distributed through existing mail codes.
The address change will affect physical location of the building for purposes of providing directions for visitors, delivery of food, flowers, FedEx, UPS, etc.
All mail sent to the Academic Support Building should include P.O. Box 855, Hershey, PA 17033 as the last two lines of the address. When sending correspondence to someone at the Academic Support Building as of Feb. 1, the address format should follow this guideline as the return address:
[Recipient or Department Name]90 Hope DriveSuite Number/ Mail CodeP.O. Box 855Hershey, PA 17033