UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The following faculty and students are authors or co-authors of papers being presented in symposia, paper sessions or poster sessions at the American Education Research Association (AERA) meeting April 27 through May 1 in San Antonio, Texas:
-- Bernard Badiali, associate professor of education and program coordinator, curriculum and supervision: symposium, "Authentic co-generative engagement: Reclaiming the pedagogy of supervision in clinical practice," in "Thinking about the Field: Supervision Scholars Think about its Past, Present and Future."
-- Bernard Badiali, associate professor of education and program coordinator, curriculum and supervision, with Nicole Titus, State College Area School District: paper session, "A Mentor's Perspective on a Co-Teaching Relationship Within a Professional Development School," in "Examinations of Partnership: Approaches for Teaching, Learning, and Leading Together in Professional Development Schools"; and paper session, "A Layered Approach to Critical Friendships in Self-Study for Investigating Coteaching in Field Experiences," in "Using Self-Study to Navigate School/University Partnerships."
-- David Baker, professor of educational theory and policy, and sociology, with graduate student Andrew Pendola: paper session, "Fortified, Not Secularized: Longitudinal Influence of Higher Education on Religious Beliefs and Behaviors," in "Education and Religious Identities."
-- David Baker, professor of educational theory and policy, and sociology, and Karly Ford, assistant professor of higher education, with graduate students Frank Fernandez, Yuan Chih Fu and Ismael Guillermo Munoz: roundtable session, "The Secret of American Science Capacity: Mass Higher Education and STEM Ph.D. Production," in "Looking Back to Move Forward: Publishing, Production and Pedagogy."
-- David Baker, professor of educational theory and policy, and sociology, with graduate students Bryan Arthur Mann and Renata Horvatek: paper session, "Who Loses Students to Low-quality Schools? Relationships between Cyber Charters and Educational Disadvantage Over Time," in "School Choice: Politics of Opportunity and Identity."
-- Gail M. Boldt, professor of language and literacy education, with Joseph Michael Valente, assistant professor of early childhood education: symposium, "Disabled Childhoods: A Comparative Ethnographic Study of Inclusion Policies," in "The Child in Question: Exploring Social Constructions of Childhood."
-- Gail Boldt, professor of language and literacy education, with Kevin M. Leander, Vanderbilt University: symposium, "' Thinking the assemblage: Immanence in the movements of narratives, LEGO, and a child," in "Assembling the Assemblage in Literacy Studies."
-- Marcela Borge, assistant professor of education in Learning and Performance Systems, with graduate students Dhvani Ashok Toprani and Shulong Yan: paper session, "Exploring the Expression of Curiosity in Design Learning Environment," in "Design of Innovative and Active Learning Environments."
-- Julia Bryan, associate professor of counselor education, with Ji Hyun Kim, GoodFriends USA; Jungnam Kim, Ball State University; and Younyoung Choi, University of Maryland: roundtable session, "Asian Immigrant Parents' Personal and Community Empowerment, Parent Networks, and Children's Academic Performance in Schools," in "Exploring Various Perspectives within the Asian Pacific American Educational Experience."
-- Julia Bryan, associate professor of counselor education, with Jungnam Kim, Ball State University: poster session, Intersectionality and Parent Empowerment: Intersections of Parents’ Race/ethnicity SES and Language on Parent Empowerment," in "Using Quantitative Methodologies in the Study of Counseling Psychology."
-- Julia Bryan, associate professor of counselor education, with Jungnam Kim, Ball State University; Renae Mayes, Ball State University; and Erik M. Hines, University of Connecticut: paper session, "The Relationship Between School Counselors and Parents for College Going," in "Family Engagement during Transitions to Secondary and Postsecondary Educational Settings."
-- Julia Bryan, associate professor of counselor education, with Gitima Sharma, California State University-Fresno, and Jungnam Kim, Ball State University: poster session, "The Effects of Purpose Orientations on Recent High School Graduates' College Application Decisions," in "Factors Influencing High School and Postsecondary Vocational and Career Choices."
-- Soo-yong Byun, associate professor of educational theory and policy, with Charlotte Agger, Indiana University-Bloomington, and Judith L. Meece, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: poster session, "Fleeing the Nest or Staying Close? How Family and Place Shape Rural Adolescents' Postsecondary Outcomes," in "College Student Adjustment: Health, Well-Being, and Achievement Outcomes."
-- Roy Clariana, department head, Learning and Performance Systems, and professor of learning, design and technology, with graduate student Kyung Kim: paper session, "Automatic representation of knowledge structure: The effect of reflection on knowledge structure for expository text comprehension," in "Evaluating Multimedia Learning and Instructional Design Principles."
-- Amy Crosson, assistant professor in Curriculum and Instruction, with Margaret McKeown, University of Pittsburgh: paper session, "Development of an Academic Vocabulary and Morphology Intervention to Enhance Literacy Outcomes for Adolescent English Learners," in "Interventions to Support Literacy Development."
-- Karen Eppley, associate professor in Curriculum and Instruction: invited roundtable, "The Journal of Research in Rural Education," in "Meet Journal Editors: Journal Talks 4"; and paper session, "Reading Rural Place in the Four Corners of Picture Books," in "Considering Place in Rural Teaching and Learning."
-- Dorothy H. Evensen, professor of higher education and senior scientist: roundtable session, "Getting it right from the beginning: Locating a praxis-based pedagogy for educating the professional novice," in "From Challenges to Opportunities: Pedagogical Principles for the Next Generation of Educating Professionals."
-- Karly Ford, assistant professor of higher education, with Jason Thompson, New York University: paper session, "Inherited Prestige: Intergenerational Access to Selective Universities," in "The Role of Social and Cultural Capital in Postsecondary School Transitions."
-- Jennifer Frank, assistant professor in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, with Sebrina Doyle, senior research assistant in Health and Human Development; Yoonkyung Oh, research associate in Health and Human Development; Mark Greenberg, professor of human development and family studies, and psychology; Patricia Jennings, University of Virginia; Joshua L. Brown, Fordham University; Regin Tanler, Fordham University; Anna DeWeese, Fordham University; and Anthony DeMauro, University of Virginia: symposium, "The Long-Term Effects of the CARE for Teachers Program on Teachers' Well-Being and Classroom Quality: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial of CARE," in "Teacher, Classroom and Student Impacts of Teacher Mindfulness Programs in Elementary and Middle School Settings."
-- Erica Frankenberg, associate professor of educational leadership: invited speaker session, "Back to the Future: Reconsidering Resegregation of American Schools and Education Opportunity."
-- Erica Frankenberg, associate professor of educational leadership, with Genevieve Parker Siegel-Hawley, Virginia Commonwealth University; Gary A. Orfield, University of California-Los Angeles; Jenn Ayscue, University of California-Los Angeles; Rachel Anne Levy, Virginia Commonwealth University; and Tara Vahdani, University of California-San Diego: paper session, "New Flexibility, New Challenges? Federally Funded Magnet Schools Post–Parents Involved," in "School Choice and Segregation: Evidence on Equity, Achievement, and Diversity."
-- Erica Frankenberg, associate professor of educational leadership, with graduate student Kendra Taylor: paper session, "Concentrated Affluence, Segregation, and Boundaries in the Metropolitan South," in "Boundaries and Borders: The political and social context of segregation and special inequality."
-- Ed Fuller, associate professor of educational leadership: working group roundtable, "Transitioning from Assistant Principal to Principal: Differences by Personal, School, and Labor Market Characteristics," in "Exploring the K–12 Leadership Labor Market in Different Contexts"; and paper session, "Examining State Plans to Improve Access to Effective Educators and New Opportunities Under ESSA," in "School Leaders' Roles and Actions Toward Improvement."
-- Liliana Garces, associate professor of higher education, senior research associate and affiliate Penn State Law faculty: invited speaker session, "Scholarly Conversations: Considering Pressing Issues in Higher Education Research."
-- Liliana Garces, associate professor of higher education, senior research associate and affiliate Penn State Law faculty; with Patricia Marin, Michigan State University; Karen L. Miksch, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; and Catherine L. Horn, University of Houston: paper session, "The Application of Scholarly Knowledge: Amici Use of Research in Fisher I," in "Race and Gender Diversity in Education Law and Policy."
-- Allison Henward, assistant professor in Curriculum and Instruction, with Mene Tauaa, University of Hawaii-Manoa, and Ronald Turituri: symposium, "Equity through Dialogue: American Samoan Community Based Perspectives of Head Start," in session "Examining Head Start: The Role of Curriculum, Nutrition, Assessment, and Research Engagements."
-- Ty Hollett, assistant professor in Learning and Performance Systems: roundtable session, "Symbiotic Learning Partnerships in Youth Action Sports," in "Exploring Time, Place and Space with Digital Media."
-- Ty Hollett, assistant professor in Learning and Performance Systems, with Jeremiah Holden Kalir, University of Colorado-Denver: roundtable session, "Playgrids as New Media Configurations for Learning Across Space, Time, and Scale," in "Exploring Time, Place and Space with Digital Media."
-- Ravinder Koul, associate professor in Curriculum and Instruction, with John Joseph Sosik, professor in management and organization; and Jae Uk Chun, Korea University: roundtable session, "Examining Psychological Wellbeing of Thai College Students Through a Self-Presentational and Impression Management Lens," in "Stress, Coping, and Resilience among College Students."
-- Susan Land, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with graduate student Jessica Briskin and Gary Chinn, IT manager in the E-Learning Institute: roundtable session, "Multidisciplinary Methods for Virtual Studio Development," in "Opportunities and Challenges for Technology in the Arts."
-- Susan Land, associate professor of learning, design and technology, and Heather Toomey Zimmerman, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with graduate student Gi Woong Choi: structured poster session, "Scaffolding Problem Solving with Mobile Devices in an Outdoor Environment," in "Fostering Deep Learning in Problem-Solving Contexts through Effective Design of Learning Environments with Technology Support."
-- Pui-Wa Lei, professor of educational psychology; James DiPerna, professor of school psychology; and graduate students Weiyi Cheng and Susan Crandall Hart: paper session, "Intervention Effect on Social Skill Improvement Using a Latent Transition Analysis," in "Methods for Identifying and Supporting At-risk Students."
-- Maria Lewis, assistant professor in Education Policy Studies: paper session, "Using Education Law as a Tool to Empower Social Justice Leaders to Promote LGBTQ Inclusion," in "Fostering Educational Equity and Social Justice."
-- Scott McDonald, associate professor of science education and director of the Krause Innovation Studio, with graduate students Phil Tietjen, Koun Choi and Saliha Ozken-Bekiroglu: paper session, "A Sociomaterial Investigation of an Active Learning Space," in "New Approaches to Assessing Learning Environments."
-- Bonnie J.F. Meyer, professor of educational psychology, and Pui-Wa Lei, professor of educational psychology, with Kausalai K. Wijekumar, Texas A&M University-College Station; Anita C. Hernandez, New Mexico State University; and Andrea Beerwinkle, Texas A&M University-College Station: paper session, "Elementary Spanish Speaking English Learners Improve in Comprehension with Text Structure Instruction on the Web," in "Research in Reading and Literacy II."
-- Marsha E. Modeste, assistant professor in Education Policy Studies: roundtable session, "Translation, Interpretation and Implementation in Cross-Border Policy Contexts: The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning," in "Policy Effects on Leaders in International Contexts."
-- Marsha E. Modeste, assistant professor in Education Policy Studies, with Alexandra E. Pavlakis, Southern Methodist University: paper session, "Theory amid Policy and Practice: A Typology of Theory Use in Educational Leadership Scholarship," in "Research Methods in Educational Leadership."
-- Paul Morgan, professor of education, with Yoonkyung Oh, research associate in Health and Human Development; Marianne Hillemeier, department head and professor of health policy and administration, and demography; Steven Maczuga, systems analyst and programmer; and George Farkas, University of California-Irvine: paper session, Persistently Low Science Achievement in U.S. Schools: Multiyear Longitudinal Trajectories and Early Risk Factors, in "Academic Engagement, Achievement and Risk in Adolescence: School, Family and Peer Predictors."
-- Leticia Oseguera, associate professor of higher education and senior research associate, with graduate students Maria Javiera de los Rios, Hyun Ju Park and Elyzza Aparicio: roundtable session, "Mental Health and High Achieving STEM Scholars," in "Student resiliency and agency in STEM."
-- P. Karen Murphy, professor of educational psychology and the Harry and Marion Eberly Faculty Fellow, with Carla Marie Firetto, postdoctoral scholar, and graduate students Liwei Wei, Mengyi Li and Rachel Miriam Vriend Croninger: poster, "The Effect of Using a Graphic Organizer on Fourth Graders' Argumentative Writing," in "Understanding Instruction, Learning, and Motivation in Literacy."
-- Ashley N. Patterson, assistant professor in Curriculum and Instruction: roundtable session, "Diverse Learners in Diverse Spaces: International Study Abroad Experiences of Historically Underrepresented College Students," in "Boundary Crossings" and Critical Community Engagements: Learning Environments as Promisors of Equitable Educational Opportunity"; and invited speaker session, "Writing for Publication and Enjoying It: Advice From Emerging Scholars on the Writing Process."
-- Julia Plummer, associate professor of science education, and graduate student Amy Rene Ricketts: structured poster session, "Scientific Phenomena in Museum Programs: Using Video to Observe Young Children's Explanations," in "Observational Methodologies across Informal Learning Spaces."
-- Diandra Prescod, assistant professor in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, with Christopher Belser, University of Central Florida, and Andrew Patrick Daire, Virginia Commonwealth University: poster session, "Reducing Negative Career Thoughts in STEM-Interested Undergraduates," in "Factors Influencing High School and Postsecondary Vocational and Career Choices."
-- Gabriela Richard, assistant professor in Learning and Performance Systems: structured poster session, "Making Innovators: Youth Collaboratively Designing Wearable, Bidirectionally Responsive Games as a Model of Epistemic Agency," in "From Making to Agentic Participation: Perspectives on and Approaches to Fostering Epistemic Engagement in Making."
-- Gabriela Richard, assistant professor in Learning and Performance Systems, with graduate student Sagun Giri: paper session, "Youth Collaborative Making of Bidrectionally Responsive Wearable Games as Extending Computational Thinking and Diverse Interests," in "Emerging Computer Science Research From K–12 Contexts."
-- Maryellen Schaub, assistant professor of educational theory and policy, and professor-in-charge of Education and Public Policy, with graduate students Andrew Pendola, Ismael Munoz and Mayli Zapata: paper session, "Early Opportunities and 4th Grade Success," in "School Readiness: Indicators, Predictors, and Effects."
-- Deborah Schussler, associate professor in Education Policy Studies: symposium, "Teacher dispositions as a means to moral practice and the cultivation of practical wisdom," in "Dispositions for Teaching and Learning: Conceptualization and enactment across teacher education contexts."
-- Deborah Schussler, associate professor in Education Policy Studies, with Jennifer Frank, assistant professor in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education; Michelle Wright, research associate in psychology; and graduate students Julia Mahfouz and Junxiu Yu: poster session, "Virtual Role-Play Modules: Improving Teacher Candidate Communication Skills to Curtail Bullying," in "Division K: Section 9, Poster Session."
-- Pria Sharma, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with Mahir Akgun, instructor of IST: roundtable session, "Exploration of shared epistemic agency in the context of knowledge-building activities of middle school students," in "Understanding Science Learning."
-- Priya Sharma, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with Pui-Wa Lei, professor of educational psychology; and Mahir Akgun, instructor of IST: poster session, "The role of self-regulation and personal epistemological beliefs in predicting students’ performance in idea improvement," in "Examining Synergistic Relationships Among Self-Regulated Learning and Motivational Variables."
-- Rayne Sperling, associate professor of educational psychology and director of undergraduate and graduate studies in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education: invited speaker session, "Impacting the Life and Research of Others: A Tribute to Gregg Schraw."
-- Rayne Sperling, associate professor of educational psychology and director of undergraduate and graduate studies in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, with graduate student D. Jake Follmer: poster session, Executive function and reading comprehension: A meta-analytic review," in "Poster Session 3 - Cognitive Processes."
-- Rayne Sperling, associate professor of educational psychology and director of undergraduate and graduate studies in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, with graduate students D. Jake Follmer and Huiqing (Helen) Hu: paper session, "Measures of self-regulated learning: Examining convergence and contributions to comprehension of expository text," in "Measuring and Facilitating Self-Regulated Learning"; and poster session, "A test of the predictive relations among self-regulated learning constructs," in "Poster Session 3 - Cognitive Processes."
-- Rayne Sperling, associate professor of educational psychology and director of undergraduate and graduate studies in Educational Psychology, Counseling and Special Education, with Philip M. Reeves, Yale University: poster session, "Development of the Pragmatic Executive Help-Seeking Scale," in "Poster Session 3 - Cognitive Processes."
-- Jeanine Staples, associate professor of language and literacy education and African-American studies: roundtable session, "t/Terror Narratives of Black Girls and Women: An Intersectionality Study," in "Critical Examinations of Black Girls and Women in Education."
-- Dana L. Stuchul, associate professor in Curriculum and Instruction, with Madhu Suri Suri Prakash, professor of educational theory and policy: paper session, "Joys of Teaching Genius: Walking On Water with Ivan Illich," in "To Hell With Good Intentions: Illich and AERA."
-- Peggy N. Van Meter, associate professor and professor in charge of educational psychology, and Robert J. Stevens, professor of educational psychology, with graduate student Huiqing (Helen) Hu: poster session, "The Development and Validation of the Writing and Self-Regulation Strategies Instrument for Biology Lab Reports," in "Science Teaching and Learning SIG Poster Session."
-- Liang Zhang, associate professor of educational theory and policy and senior research associate, with graduate student Qiong Zhu: paper session, "Major-occupation Match and Return to Double Major," in "Tracing the Labyrinth: Exploring the Interaction Between Campus Governance and Public Policy."
-- Heather Toomey Zimmerman, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with Phillip Galinsky and Koraly Perez-Edgar from the Department of Psychology, and graduate student Yong Ju Jung: poster session, "Using Video and Eye-Tracking Methods to Investigate Children's Situational Interest in a Science Museum," in "Learning and Teaching in Social and Cultural Contexts: Methodological Insights."
-- Heather Toomey Zimmerman, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with graduate student Yong Ju Jung: structured poster session, "Exploring Children's Interest by Using Video Data in a Science Museum," in "Observational Methodologies across Informal Learning Spaces."
-- Heather Toomey Zimmerman, associate professor of learning, design and technology, with graduate students Soo Hyeon Kim and Mona AlQahtani: structured poster session, "Engineering Argumentation during a Making and Tinkering Afterschool Program with Squishy Circuits," in "From Making to Agentic Participation: Perspectives on and Approaches to Fostering Epistemic Engagement in Making."
Graduate students
-- Rebecca Yvonne Bayeck, with Joseph Merlin Bayeck, Goucher College; and Stella O. Onyeagbako, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria: roundtable session, "African-immigrant students in the US: Making meaning of video game play in their lives," in "Messages from the Diaspora: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Immigrant Youth."
-- Kyung Sun Chung and Ismael Guillermo Munoz: poster session, "Assessing the Effect of Teacher Efficacy on Students' Math Achievement Using Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling," in "Mathematics in Teacher Education and Professional Development."
-- R. Tyler Derreth: roundtable session, "Community Engagement in Curricula: Partnerships of Learning Beyond the Classroom," in "Understanding Local and Community Partnerships."
-- Adam Hocker, with Stormy Stark: poster session, "Too Short a Cord, Too Long a Distance: Phase II," in "School Leadership and Principals' Management Practices."
-- Renata Horvatek, with Armend Tahirsylaj, Linnaeus University: poster session, 'Small' States Acting 'Big:' How Minority Education Models in Croatia and Kosovo Perpetuate Segregated Societies," in Poster Session 16.
-- Kayla Marie Johnson: roundtable session, "Using Photo-Cued Reflection to Examine Incidental Learning in Short-Term Study Abroad," in "A Global Perspective."
-- Kayla Marie Johnson and Joseph Levitan: roundtable session, "'We Had to Check Our Dignity at the Door:' Social-Emotional Learning in For-Profit International Travel," in "Fresh Insights in Social and Emotional Learning: Qualitative Investigations of Toddlers, Teachers, and Travel."
-- Kayla Marie Johnson, with Constantin Schreiber, Arizona State University: roundtable session, "Exploring Graduate Student-Run Education Journals: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Characteristics and Challenges," in "Examining Mechanisms for Educational Delivery."
-- Chang Liu and Chiau-Wen Jang: paper session, "Teachers' Perceptions of Instructional Supervision: Lessons Learned from Chinese Teachers' Authentic Voices," in "Developing Instructional Leadership Across a Continuum: Voices from the Field."
-- Soo Hyeon Kim and Gi Woong Choi: paper session, "Methodological Implications for Using Head-mounted Action Cameras in Video Research," in "Methodological Complexities of Understanding Learning."
-- Huacong Liu: paper session, "Affirmative Action Bans and Student Body Compositions," in "Tracing the Labyrinth: Exploring the Interaction Between Campus Governance and Public Policy."
-- Jing Liu, with Samara Wolf Fetner of AERA: paper session, "A Multidimensional Measure of Teacher Empowerment," in "Empowering Teachers Through Professional Learning."
-- Hilario Junior Lomeli: paper session, "Alternative Schools as Dumping Grounds: Latinx Experiences of Disposability in Houston, Texas," in "Public Policy and Educational Practices for Latinx Students."
-- Julia Mahfouz: roundtable session: "Exploring the Influence of CARE on Principals' Leadership and Well-Being," in "School Leaders Ready to Lead: Developing the Social and Emotional Skills of School Administrators."
-- Bryan Arthur Mann and Heather Bennett: symposium, "Integration without Integrating? Differences in Charter and Traditional Public Schooling Demographics in Gentrified Areas of Washington DC and Los Angeles," in "Policy, Politics, Choice and Geography: How Place Matters Across the P-20 Spectrum."
-- Natasha Mansur, with Amra Sabic-El-Rayess, Teachers College, Columbia University: symposium, "Favor Reciprocation Theory in Education: A New Corruption Typology," in "Systemic Academic Corruption in Higher Education: A Global Perspective."
-- Ismael Guillermo Munoz: paper session, "Understanding the Role of Education in Breaking the Occurrence of Domestic Violence in Peru," in "Social Consequences of Educational Inequality: International Perspectives."
-- Vernelle A.A. Noel: roundtable session, "Wire-Bending as Inquiry and Computation," in "Mixed Methods Research in the Lived Experiences of Artists and Arts Educators."
-- Amy Rene Ricketts: paper session, "Positioning and Teacher Learning in Professional Development," in "Positionality, Agency, and Emotion in Professional Development."
-- Shi Pu: paper session, "Peer Effects and College Students Engagement," in "Importance of social ties in student engagement."
-- Fariha Hayat Salman: poster session, "CLAD: Expanding Youth Learning Opportunities for Sustainable Engineering Design Education," in "Immersive Environments for Learning: Student Engagement and Learning in Games and Augmented Reality."
-- Hengtao Tang: paper session, "Students' Perceptions of Interactions in a MOOC: Completing Students' Perspective," in "Technology as a Mechanism for Supporting Learning, Motivation, Identity, and Social Interaction."
-- Joseph Tise, with Elizabeth Farley-Ripple, University of Delaware, and Katherine Tilley, University of Delaware: paper session, "Brokerage and the Research-Practice Gap: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination," in "Organizational Theory: Changes and Challenges."
-- Joseph Tise, with Henry May, University of Delaware; Kalyn McDonough, University of Delaware; Katherine Tilley, University of Delaware; Elizabeth N. Farley-Ripple, University of Delaware; and Rebecca A. Maynard, University of Pennsylvania: roundtable session, "Multilevel Measurement of Organizational Use of Research in Schools," in "Research Use: Perspectives on Conceptualizing and Measuring Issues Surrounding Use."
-- Yao Xiong, with Hongli Li, Georgia State University: roundtable session, "What Factors Influence Test Preparation in the K-12 Context? Evidence from the MET Project," in "Educator Responses to Accountability Policies."
Editor's note: Contributors are not listed in authorship order. This list does not include session discussants, chairs or moderators.