SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, Pa. – In 2017, Joe Medica competed in Penn State Schuylkill’s LionLaunch Business Plan Competition. He pitched an idea for an archery range — a place where hunters could practice, families could have fun together, and athletes could learn a new skill. His idea earned him $3,000 in seed money, and this week, his dreams materialized at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for his storefront, Athletics in Motion.
In Medica’s original pitch, he intended for his space to cater to archers. However, his business has since evolved into a space that accommodates a wide variety of athletes. At 5,500 square feet, Medica’s new facility offers abundant space for team sports and individual practice.
Athletics in Motion boasts an indoor practice facility featuring batting cages, pitching machines and a padded turf floor. In the future, he plans to open a golf simulator.
To prepare for his pitch and ready himself for the immense responsibility of entrepreneurship, Medica enrolled in the LionLaunch Business Boot Camp. Penn State Schuylkill’s LionLaunch program has offered this boot camp at least once a year since 2016, expertly preparing aspiring entrepreneurs for not only the competition, but also small business ownership. He powered through 10 weeks of intensive coursework exploring topics such as business law, marketing, finance and writing business plans.
“The boot camp was a great experience. It certainly opened my eyes about a lot of things I’d never considered,” said Medica. “For instance, it never would’ve occurred to me to hire an accountant.”